Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prison Cell-Phone Use a Growing Problem

According to Time magazine: "In California, home to the country's largest state prison system, more than 2,800 cell phones were confiscated from inmates last year, double the number seized in 2007.

"'Criminals are using cell phones even from death row to threaten victims and harass lawmakers. Inmates are making literally thousands of calls from prison.'"


Ah, the wonders of technology.


  1. I heard about this on the Today Show. Not surprising is the fact that Cell Phone Companies are doing everything in their power to stop the jamming devices.
    I guess the dollar is more important than a life.

  2. In today's Arizona Daily Star there is a story about using dogs to find cell phones in prison. I like that two of the dogs are named Sprint and Cricket.

  3. Technology always leads and causes unintentional problems that need to be resolved.

    Cell phones are a huge problem in schools too, where they are used to text and cheat, are a distractive disturbance, can infringe upon others rights (cameras and video) and are often times now seen as a safety hazard.

  4. I personally have a real problem with cell phones in schools. I believe if a kid is caught with one, toss their ass right out of school, and they cannot come back unless their parents show up to school. If caught the second time...they’re outta there for the rest of the year.

    If you are a senior, to bad so sad, you don’t graduate this year!

  5. I knew they were a problem in schools, but I never even thought about them in prison until I saw the article today.

    And hale, I didn't realize cell phones were so smelly until I read the Daily Star article.

  6. The guys on death row can make phone calls but I can't get a decent signal if I'm in Kohl's...

  7. I hear you Karrie. I hate alking from the kitchen to the living room in my house I always loose my signal!!
