Friday, May 15, 2009

"Racine is Wisconsin's prom capital"

I knew that prom is a big deal in Racine, but I didn't know that others consider us the "prom capital" of Wiscnsin. Today's Journal Sentinel has a story about going to the prom in these tough economic times:

I was a social outcast in high school and didn't go to the prom. I probably consoled myself with a pint of Southern Comfort, sweet elixir of my youth. How about you? What are your memories of the prom?


  1. Zippo...did not go...back then, if you did not have a DATE, you didn't go...

    Did I miss anything, I really don't think so....did it affect who I became in life...nah...

    Orbs, you want to go to the Senior Prom with me??? They have one here tonight for more mature people (I will not call us that 'o' word!)

  2. I went to the prom. It was a big deal. After the prom we went to the post prom that the Rotary sponsered. WE STAYED UP ALL NIGHT. That was a big deal. Then we had breakfast there and then went home to change and we went to Browns Lake for the day. Yes you did miss something. It was a day of freedom from school, chores, parents, etc.

  3. I never went to mine either. Too busy partying. I did get all dressed up to go to my boyfriends but we went to a Badger game and made it home in time to do a late dinner and missed his too.

    I did buy a dress a few years ago from a clearance rake and every once in awhile I put it on, drink a bottle of wine and dance around the house feeling fancy!..I know "pathetic" huh!

  4. Beejay, I'd love to go to the prom with you, but I have to be home before midnight or my cat will freak out.

    Hey Lizardmom, maybe the theme of our next gathering should be an Irregular Prom?

  5. I think our next get together should have a PROM theme. I’ve even got some dresses the girls could borrow! Guys could where old or new suits or tuxes, with or without ruffles………LMAO………….I’m cracking up now just thinking about it!...Just make sure me and Beejay are here for it!

  6. LOL ORBS you and I are thinking alike.......I wrote this at almost the same time as you!!!!! Scary....

  7. I went to prom. What a disaster. All the "cool" kids thought they were so grown up and even somehow cooler. It was disgusting high school antics.

    My date injured himself sliding into third base earlier that day. He couldn't dance because his ankle was swollen, he coulnd't sit because of the oozing burn mark on is a$$. I wound up holding him up as he was passing out from the pain... Wooo hooo! Good times.

    I don't think y'all missed too much. FYI, if our next gathering is a PROM celebration, don't count on me holding your butt up!

  8. This is amazing. I didn't go either. I guess "Social Outcast" could also be a good description. I probably had tape between my invisible eyeglasses. I probably could have had "Dork" erased from my forehead also. Who know's?

  9. It doesn't surpirse me that most of the Irregulars so far didn't make prom - we're misfits, right? As for kk, she's hot and was probably even hotter in high school, so of course she went.

    If we have a prom party, I'm sliding into the dinner table, insulting everyone, then puking all over the place and passing out. Just like the real thing.

  10. Well, I went to a very small high school (45 in my graduating class) so prom was small, most people went without dates (there wouldn't be a prom otherwise) and it was a Jr.-Sr. prom to get more people there!

    Evening started out with a catered banquet at the school (sophomores were waiters) followed by a fun,cheesy slide show in the auditorium put together by faculty and yearbook staff highlighting our years, the prom itself in the grade school gym, bowling in tuxes and dresses at the local bowling alley, movies and breakfast #1 at the local golf course clubhouse (which they call a country club) and then we drove over an hour to Sioux Falls for breakfast #2 before getting back around sunrise. Some skipped the bowling/movies for other parties and a few got hotel rooms in Sioux Falls.

    It was a nice evening, but very low key compared to lots of proms. Not a single limo (heck you couldn't rent a limo in that small town!) or many of the other excesses of modern prom.

  11. Orbs, Abby, Toad, we were cool in our own way...tee-hee. Nah, I don't think I missed much by not going.

    I have gone to many adult parties since then in a gown, etc.... heck, when I got married, I eloped and had a big 'party' hoopla for us, but a party it was!!!!!

    Now for the theme of 'OUR PROM,' let's have a contest...who wants to start...what should our theme be? Oh and I think kk should be our Prom Queen ....who wants to be King?

    Orbs, make sure you rent the green tux to match the puke!

  12. We need to vote on the king.

    As for our theme..............Snakes on a plane? Maybe a Marthas vinyard theme? Margaritta Ville? Jump in any time here folks..............

    I totally agree with Beejay..I elect KK as our queen.

  13. Didn't go to my prom either. But my friends and I had a great time 'decorating' the cars of prom goers once we found which hotel they all went to afterwards...

  14. BTW, Orbs, it's kk's age that makes her hot....if you get my meaning!

  15. Orbs

    We have a lovely bright green leisure suit if you'd like to borrow it.

  16. I haven't flashed yet beejay, unless you count the raincoat incident... ha ha. I think orbsie should be the queen... ;>

  17. Oh, just wait, our dear kk, it is just waiting for a moment when you wish to appear cool, calm and collected and baboom!

  18. Oh, a green leisure very, very cool! Should I wear a mini? Yikes...I think there is a law against that!

  19. Didn't go to the prom either.. I think I went out and partied with some friends.

  20. no prom for me either, just another social outcast and outsider, no wonder I fit in so well here, I'm in great company :)

    if you guys are really serious about a prom theme, I'll see what I can do, maybe a fall thing or keep it to spring next year to keep in the right season??

  21. Next year will give us plenty of time to prepare. The theme could just be Irregularity. I can't be king or queen because I can't dance. I can't jump, either. I can barely walk. kk, however, admitted to her torrid dream about dancing with Avenging Angel, so I think they're the perfect couple.

  22. Ok, so I went to the prom, but only because my friend (now husband but then only a friend that lived in Sweden) promised to come back and take me to the prom. I wasnt too excited to go. I figured hey I didn't like hanging out with these people during school hours why would I ever want to hang out with them after school hours.

    Anyways I went we stayed for a couple of hours hung out with a friend (most of my friends weren't going to the prom) that ditched his date (long story there)and made it an early night.

    According to me you missed nothing, I thought it was terribly dull, plus I had these huge glasses (thanks to mom and dads insurance it was off of the cheap rack not fashionable at all) that you just couldnt get to look right with a prom dress. I should see if I can find my prom picture... awful.

  23. figured hey I didn't like hanging out with these people during school hours why would I ever want to hang out with them after school hours.

    The way I felt.

    I didn't go to prom, never had the desire to. I went to FL instead. :)

  24. DA, but you have the perfect date....

    Okay, let's do this and I want to be on the prom court. Nah, I'm not queen material, yep.

    Tonight, I stopped at my favorite place ALONE...gasp. I did not spend a moment alone. Guess not going to prom did not affect me in the least.

    Orbs, you are my leisure suit and all. I found a nice emerald green dress (won't show the puke) today. I'm set.

  25. PS Tell your cat that I will have you home b/4 midnight!

  26. The outfits will serve dual duty on St. Patrick's Day.

  27. Sorry, KK, but Madame Z is my vote for queen.

  28. Terrific idea, AA! Mme. Zoltar gets my vote as well. I sure don't want my checkered past to come to light and then have to abdicate the crown. ;>

  29. Orbs, I'm sure you can fake the dancing thing...just sway to the music.
