Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who's the Online Boss at the Journal Times?

Does anyone know? I checked their "Contact Us" list and no one is listed as online editor or whatever. I guess we don't have BO'B to kick around anymore. I'm just curious because they seem to be doing an exceptionally crappy job in recent days, like the Adrial White story that was supposed to open to comments two hours ago, but still hasn't. And if someone dies in Racine, you can't post any comments, but if they die one inch outside of our borders, you can trash them all you want at the Journal Times' expense.

The Adrial White story should be a journalist's dream. It is a microcosm of the dynamics that are tearing this city apart, and the city's attempt to deny that struggle by persecuting a victim of the city's failure to protect its citizens and its catch and release policy towards criminals.

When I think Journal Times, I think complete and utter failure of talent, training, and opportunity.

Party on!


  1. And just like that, at 10:06 they allow the first comment. Hmmmm....

  2. Again, I repeat my offer to run the Journal Times board for them. I will adhere to and moderate according to whatever rules and regulations that they mandate, I will provide twice as much content as any of their current bloggers, and I'll do it for $150 a week cash (yes, the price has gone up, but others are now in the bidding).

  3. When I think of of The Journal Times, I think of what an embarassment they are to the city of Racine.

    How many people who really care about Racine have cancelled their subscriptions of late due to their unprofessional behavior, their shoddy reporting, improper grammar usage and terrible writing skills?

    Orbs, they need an irregular moderating board. I know a very professional team that could be had for pretty darn cheap.

  4. I prefer to be called 'inexpensive' as opposed to 'cheap!' Umph.

  5. If we are going to mince words, I prefer "value enhanced." ;>

  6. Outsourcing is all the rage, you think they would be all over the offer. Maybe you have to be in India to get the job.

    Maybe you could get a .in email address...think that would help?

  7. O'Brien, Brendan 631-1720 Brendan.O'Brien@lee.net Editorial Online Editor.... There ya go folks!

  8. http://www.journaltimes.com/about/search.php?id=6

  9. bob, bob, bob... we knew you frequented our site daily... tee hee.

  10. It's reassuring to know that he's still in charge.

    Praise Bob.

  11. I haven't been over there in a long time....

  12. they locked the Adial story again. It must be a 10-5 posting only rule.

  13. One thing I cannot figure out is why they keep saying, "2009 Racine Mayoral Race".

    Hasn't Dickert been elected as mayor, or am I missing something?

    If he has been elected, how then can it still be a race?

  14. the photo accompanying the report was interesting and sad. Janine Anderson was clear. Even the bloggers for the most part were thoughtful, and I had a feeling that maybe this one will turn out better than trial one. Orbs whoever you are, you are tops.
