Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

My dad passed away 32 years ago. The song below makes me think of him.


  1. Holy cow, and PETA got upset over the pres killing a fly? The first video made me catch my breath a couple times, especially the jump from the stairs... wow.

    My dad has been gone 18 years. Happy father's day to all of you dads out there!!! And to those who still have your dad, appreciate them no matter how good or bad a father they are. You will miss them terribly when they are gone.

  2. Yeah, I thought that guy knocking around his kids was a little rough, but it was the funniest one I found.

  3. Orbs: Oh boy. I don't even have to listen to that one. First of all I love Eric Clapton's music, but that song is truly special.

    My dad died 38 years ago, and it seems like yesterday. He was only 56.

  4. My father is still alive and kicking. I remember arguing with him a lot when I was younger. At the time, I was a foolish teenager bent on doing things my own way. Now, that I look back at that, my dad was right about evetything!
