Tuesday, June 9, 2009

International Year of Astronomy Update

I am at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Pasadena (as kk can attest to due to a sudden spike in hits from Pasadena). Today we had a press conference updating the International Year of Astronomy Activities. Alan Boyle of MSNBC posted a nice blog on the press conference.

The Galileoscope Photo and Sketching contest was my idea...now I have to finish writing the rules and posting them! Thanks for moving that up my priority list of things to do, Alan!

I keep meanign to blog Galaxy Zoo 2. This is an addictive little project that enlists people to help classify galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Check it out.

Be sure to keep up to date on future IYA activites as well.


  1. Oops...I posted too soon. I just found out that The Daily Kos blogged about the Galileoscope.

    Guess this means all conservatives are going to cancel their orders now :)

  2. We are going to have to get you a matching white and red striped hat and sweater so we can play "Where's Hale Bopp!" ;>

  3. What would it take to get a galaxy, or even a star or a planet, named OrbsCorbs?

  4. It depends on what "neighborhood" you wish to purchase in... Looks like you can name one for as little as $28.95 ;>

  5. Name a Star™? Why can't I think up money making ideas like that?
