Thursday, June 18, 2009

Okay, so I am bragging about my nephew

Since I have not heard otherwise, my nephew did the 49 mile walk/trot/run/slosh/climb today. I cannot tell you how very proud I am to call MARK JORGENSEN my nephew. To do this in honor of his daughter with who know me, know that I am emotional and affectionate...I cannot help that, but to see that a member of our family shares his love of his child with the world like he did on this marathon is beyond me.

He says he is blessed, I am blessed by him...I think he is my hero.

Here is what you guys did not know about this man, as a 5 year old child, he held my hand and told me that when 'Grandpa died' (my dad) that it only meant he would be back in another way; that the world went around and that 'Grandpa' wouldn't want me to be sad....a little kid, holding his Aunt's hand while she sobbed....I guess love runs in our family big time...

Did I tell you I am proud of him??? Did I???


  1. sounds like an extraordinary guy, you are blessed to have him as a part of your family.

  2. I can understand why you are proud of him, he's given you every reason to be :)

  3. Beejay......... what a great story/memory. Sounds like he is an awesome guy!

  4. Your such a lucky person Beejay to be part of a HUGE family that ALL love each other. FEW families stay together as yours has for all these years. Your a "through thick or thin" kind of family. I just love sentimental people.

  5. He did the 49 miles in 14:45....That is almost half of the alloted time. I am just glad he is safe....whoo-hoo, Mark!

    You guys should be safe from my bragging now. Soooorrrrryyyyy.

    PS Thanks for letting me share my excitement. And Toad, yes, we are there through thick and thin.

  6. Beejay, even I am proud of him now and I don't know him.

  7. Congratulations beejay, he sounds like one heck of a guy. Autistic children can be overwhelming, but can also be a tremendous gift. I've met some wonderful children. He must be a very special man to continue to see the positive when it would be very easy to feel burdened.

  8. What a wonderful thing your nephew is doing. You do have bragging rights Beejay.

  9. Beejay,
    As a proud aunt, you're supposed to brag! Didn't you see that in the job description?

  10. Don't you dare try to inspire me to train for an ultra!

  11. Oh, Hale, you are ultra as it is! I am just so proud of my nephew...but you inspire me in what you do daily.

  12. He finished in 55th place...he improved at each stage. Done bragging about him!
