Friday, July 31, 2009

Committed to Lies, Compelled to Filth

"Sex Crimes and the Vatican" - BBC Documentary, 2006

Embedded playlist - leave player on and all four segments of the documentary will play.


  1. That is unbelievable. This clip was produced in 2006. What was the response from the Vatican? Was there any followup to this? Was the existence of this document ever verified?

    I guess much like any run of the mill criminal, if you can get away with something, you continue to do it.

  2. I struggled with whether or not to post this for a few days. The original draft was filled with my usual screeds and rants. The feelings that it brings to the forefront are indescribable.

    I want to say that many of my closest friends and those I love are Catholics, including my mother and my sister. I bear them no ill will.

    It is the hierarchy of the church and those who defend them that are criminal. While US federal prosecutors go after the likes of Tony Alamo and other fringe religion sex offenders, they never target the Catholic church. Why?

    Meanwhile, local Catholic organizations continue to preach about "social justice" and "truth" and "love." Makes me want to vomit.

  3. Yes, the document exists:

    You know, I really think that the Vatican is offended by all of this. They seem to believe that they have a right to molest children, that it's God's will or something.

    I've located my "special friend." He lives in retirement in Milwaukee now and occasionally says Mass for the local sisters.

  4. Makes a person wonder how many decades this has been going on. The first video relates to four or more!

    It is all about the money, the Catholic Church is the richest organization in the world and the phoniest.

    When you read and hear about this, I just cannot imagine why anyone would want to be related to or willing to attend the Catholic Church.

    Yes, they do have more power then the Mafia!

    Will it ever stop, I think not!

    If you watch the four videos, they make GB look like a Saint!

  5. Just my opinion being raised in that religion... I think many Catholics pick and choose what they want to believe from what the church teaches. I also believe they try to ignore or justify the horrible as isolated issues.

    The immense fear of death and missing out on everlasting life is what brings them back.

    I could only watch the first video, it was enough.
