Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ISS and Shuttle: Post Separation

Well, I gave it another shot tonight. The Shuttle left the ISS today which means they are flying pretty close together, close enough to get them both in the same shot. Unfortunately, they flew a pretty bad path for where I live. First, they were low in the sky. Second, I live on the east side of Tucson and they flew from the west, across the southwest part of they sky and ended up in the south which means the lights of Tucson are particularly bright in that direction. To top if off, there was a first quarter Moon adding to the lights of Tucson. Still, with all that working against me, I gave it a shot.


Click the photo to embiggen and you will see the two streaks easier. The one on the left is the Shuttle and the one on the right is the ISS. I blog sometimes on light pollution and you can see the effects of it here...and Tucson does a better job than most cities at being night sky friendly.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. Hale: That's amazing. Your ability to find these thing in the sky is just amazing to me. I wish my dad were still alive to see some of your stuff.

  2. Half astrophysicist, half photographer?
