Monday, July 27, 2009

Response to JT letter

The following letter was in the JT today:

Thank you, Michael

Regarding recent tragic death of our dear beloved Michael Jackson.

I believe he is the only one of a kind being — that of a musical genius and brilliant dancer — for one. He did so much to enrich people’s lives and eased the pain and suffering of sick and dying people no matter who they were. I believe he wanted peace and end to war and through his music and deeds he did bring people together.

I’m only one in millions of people who adored him and inspired by him and to Michael Jackson, thank you for all the good and happy years you made for me and for millions.

Eileen Botsch


I don't know why this bothered me but it did. People cry for a celebrity but fail to feel for the true heroes. I sent the following to the JT. I'm sure they wont put it on the op-ed page, so I'll put it here:

I took it upon myself to re-write Eileen Botsch’s Michael Jackson letter for someone worth praise and adoration:

Thank you, US Soldier

Regarding recent tragic death of our dear beloved US Soldier

I believe he is the only one of a kind being — that of a defender of freedom — for one. He did so much to enrich people’s lives and eased the pain and suffering of sick and dying people no matter who they were. I believe he wanted peace and end to war and through his honor and bravery he did bring people together.

I’m only one in millions of people who adored him and inspired by him and all US soldiers, thank you for all the good and happy years you made for me and for millions.

Sturtevant, WI


  1. I remember Michael Jackson as a CHILD MOLESTER!

  2. We make way too much out of celebrities and sports figures. Our values are shot. Walter Cronkite was much more of a loss to the planet in my book.

  3. The same line of thought could be about Elvis. He did drugs and our parents thought he was horrible because he danced 'dirty' when he sang. Of course he wasn't evil like MJ. It surprises me everyday the people who are considered heros. Look at all the athletes who did drugs to achieve their fame. My heros are all service men; I am in awe when I see one in uniform. To me they are like gods.

  4. I was at a small party Saturday and Michael Jackson came up for discussion. People seem to be in one of two camps: he was a musical genius who inspired millions, or he was a child molester. There's no middle ground.

    I always thank veterans whenever I can. Thank you for my freedoms.

  5. Here here! THANK YOU FOR SPEAKING WHAT WE ALL SHOULD BE SAYING. Thank you for my freedom!
