Tuesday, August 18, 2009

HAHAHA Back to snakes and Brett

Retirement? What retirement? A Viking no less


  1. No sh*t! Mom told me the news this morning, after hearing it on TV.

    What the hell is wrong with that guy? I'm not even into football, but, c'mon, make up your mind, man.

  2. Talk about a flip flopper. He'd be perfect for politics.

  3. OH Mary: WHO cares. The GREAT thing about Brett Favre is, he REFUSES to NOT " be what he wants to be " He goes with the wind. If only we ALL could live HIS way.

    The Packer's made a BooBoo, NOW TWO teams will have PROFITED tremendusly from his presence, Not to mention his fortune.

    I love the guy. He just doesn't give up. I wish Obama had his drive, he could show those "Blue Dogs" how it works. BTW. ALL dogs should be upset at the use of their name.

  4. Fantasy football coaches are scrambling.

  5. Toad

    We could if we had his money.

  6. Mary: MONEY. I was at Home Depot today, and was talking to an associate. I was looking at this new gadget you put into your (small) charcoal type grill. It's made of CORN produced Ethanol, and sells for $5.00 You peel the top off, light it, and Viola hamburgers quick as can be. They are made in Middleton, WI. I said to him, "I wish I could think of just ONE thing that ALL the Home Depot's and Walmarts in the country would buy JUST 10 of for each store" Just imagine the money I could make.

  7. I think they should retire his number and give him a new one.


  8. Half million dollars a month...he will probably have to buy the cheap toilet paper.

    But really folks, he IS the greatest Quarterback in history and did it while playing for Green Bay!

    I wonder if his new record will be the only quarterback to play for every NFL team!

    Go Brett....
