Thursday, August 13, 2009

"The Journal Times scheduled to launch new site Thursday morning"

I'm on pins and needles.


EDIT: I'm bumping this so people have a place to comment if they have difficulty logging onto the Journal Times new site.

The above link doesn't work anymore. Here's the new story:


  1. Hopefully it will be impressive..

  2. Bless me father, for I have sinned. Keep me away....

  3. Aw, come on. They even say to expect some glitches and bugs until things get ironed out. You don't have to do anything to update your account. I wish them success, whatever that means these days. Testicles.

  4. Their site is freaking out lol. Went to post a comment and showed up like 8 times, signed off and said forget it

  5. It's doing it to everyone who is posting right now looks like everyone is on crack lol

  6. Yeah, I got an "undefined error" message and then it posted my comment twice.

    Everything else looks the same to me. I thought the Journal Times was robbed on their last update, but this invisible update is even more absurd.

  7. Try loading the site, it just keeps flashing and flashing. WOW

  8. Yeah, it's totally spazzed out now. Good idea updating the site during the busiest part of the day.

  9. Well there won't be any negative blogging, guess that's positively Racine (there are a bunch of new ads on the site, that's the only thing I noticed)

  10. Christ is all of racine crashing? The city of racine's website is down to.

  11. OK, the new site is up. Still pretty hinky. I suggest that you dump your old Journal Times cookies. It wouldn't take a comment from me until I did. But that hasn't shown up yet either - I assume they're moderating them.

    They have a "discussion" tab on stories now for commenting.

    When I first loaded the new site, I saw all these ads I'd never seen before. Then one of my ad blockers auto-updated and it all disappeared again.

  12. My comment is up. They're posting the new comments at the top. I think the last time they updated, they also did that and everyone complained about the "reverse" order.

  13. I was expecting something really outstanding with all the hype they had. Took me forever loading and froze a few times, comments are all missing from the previous site. I guess "whatever"

  14. I couldn't even find the blogs, or where to comment.

  15. Toad, you have to click on the "Discussion" tab to comment, I believe.

    Geez, I didn't even look for the personal blogs. I dunno.

  16. Man, I should be working instead of playing with this.

    Damn internet!

  17. My avatar looks better on the new site. On the old one, it was kinda squashed.

    OK, that's it. I'm going to work now. I'm going to turn off the computer....

  18. Do you guys turn your computer OFF? I just let mine go into sleep zone. I'm afraid I'll lose something. Orbs at least your error was 'undefined'. My was general...Error Occured'. Oh well give them time. They will get used to us yet. Maybe I'll wear my T-shirt and get some interesting things here. I want to see them make me go on my tummy and spread my arms. LOL

  19. I haven't gotten any error messages, althought, I see the past comments are gone. It will say 60 comments posted...not there, only the ones which have been posted since the site changed.

  20. Testicles, testicles, testicles.

    I got stuck on their site today...twice! GRRRRR.

  21. Their RSS feeds aren't working yet, so their link in our sidebar will not auto-update.

  22. Who gives a rip? You guys are such schmucks... ;>

  23. Ok, that was harsh... I was just playing. Had to prove the grudge theory. Geech! Nobody got riled? :)
