Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well...if there was ever any question of me driving one...it's been answered.

Below is a photo of a wreck in Jefferson Parish, LA (near New Orleans ) between two trucks and a Smart Car.

Think I'll pass on the Smart Car.


  1. I have driven one of these car and although I enjoyed driving it (this was in Sweden where I actually am not legally allowed to drive as I dont have a Swedish drivers license, but shhh dont tell I swear it was only a one time thing) I have to say The feeling I had was that I definitely would not want to get into an accident with it. It felt really flimsy.

    I had to also look this up on snopes just cause it was hard to believe that it would be THAT bad.. but alas it's completely true.. scary.

  2. I vowed never, ever to get in one of these the first time I saw one and I stand strong on that vow!!!

  3. I've always told Mrs Wacko that they were a coffin on wheels. Here's some proof

  4. It is true, but it's a Ford Escape


  5. And the driver survived it should be pointed out.

  6. NOOOO really?!?!? how is that even possible?
