Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Grade Do I Want to Get In "Stupidity"?

Do you want to get an A meaning you are very good at stupidity or an F meaning you are lousy at it? Occidental College offers a course in stupidity. From the catalog...


Stupidity is neither ignorance nor organicity, but rather, a corollary of knowing and an element of normalcy, the double of intelligence rather than its opposite. It is an artifact of our nature as finite beings and one of the most powerful determinants of human destiny. Stupidity is always the name of the Other, and it is the sign of the feminine. This course in Critical Psychology follows the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze, and most recently, Avital Ronell, in a philosophical examination of those operations and technologies that we conduct in order to render ourselves uncomprehending. Stupidity, which has been evicted from the philosophical premises and dumbed down by psychometric psychology, has returned in the postmodern discourse against Nation, Self, and Truth and makes itself felt in political life ranging from the presidency to Beevis and Butthead. This course examines stupidity."

Yeah...um, duh, me can't comment on that!


  1. To classify stupidity don't you have to interpret what is 'normal'? i.e. what different countries do, what different religions think, what people do in a 'situation'? An example....if you hear a gun shot do you jump up and look to see where it is coiming from and who is shooting or do you fall to the ground thinking, 'incoming!'

  2. Ok, like, now I'm offended. Like, what does being, like, feminine, have to do with, like, being stupid? ;>

  3. KKD, it could be a blond thing...

    (running away quickly)

  4. ummmm..... okie dokie!

    Run Huck, run! Quite a few blonds here. :)

  5. So most politicians, and politics in general are stupid? ..."one of the most powerful determinants of human destiny."

    We are in deep shit!

  6. Don't worry kk...this school is in California so I am sure they will go into how the stereotype of the stupid female is a symptom of systematic female oppression by a patriarchal society :)

  7. Lol, hale! Huck you are in such trouble... ;>

  8. I really like the idea of this course. I would love to take the class.

  9. You know guys, a lot of blondes use stupidity strictly for their benefit. You might not find too many of us taking this course. We might already have this mastered? hmmmm....
