Friday, September 25, 2009

Did We Dodge One?

How do you detect threats to national security and still preserve privacy and the Fourth Amendment? I don't know how, but I'm grateful that we have people who can sniff this sort of thing out. Ever since 9/11, a small, scared part of me has been waiting for the other shoe to drop. After the horror faded, the anxiety remained. I don't know if life will ever be quite the same again knowing that mass murder is the goal of some who walk among us.


  1. Orb's: It is truly amazing isn't it. I don't have a clue HOW they figure out who these people are, but they obviously know what they are doing. I guess when you have MILLIONS of eyes watching for ODD things, it all adds up. I'm always looking at things with SOME curiosity.

  2. I called the NSA and FBI to report kk's activities as a scout for possible terrorist attacks. They said they'd get back to me. :P

  3. Im sure they are already keeping track of us.

  4. They (the government) should make people like this just disappear, permanently.

  5. Personally, I don't care how they get them just get them.
    If these guys are so hell bent on blowing things up and killing people, then I suggest we do just that. Drive them to the desert, put a tnt belt on them and detonate. Let the vultures finish them off.

  6. Mary: I agree, but in America people can't keep thier darned mouths SHUT. If they took care of business, and those involved just kept their traps shut, WHO would care? This kid that got caught in Dallas should have blown himself up when he pushed the button. They knew what he was doing, and should have rigged his phone. Like Batman "KABOOM" OOP's

  7. BTW: So long as I am on a rant. I am tired of our soldiers getting blown up by IED's in Afghanistan. I don't have the answer (I prefer leaving) but something needs to be decided.

    Also, a NEW video of Osama showed up on tv again today. WHY doesn't he age? Have any of you seen the comparison of GWB in 2000 to now? This guy looks the same as he did 8 years ago.

    THANK YOU for your patience. (GEEZ I HATE THAT EXPRESSION)

  8. Stinking cool, Thanks orbs! I've never in my life been considered a rebel! The turban did enhance my looks.... my-oh-my, I'm such a bad a$$! How UUU doin? ;>

  9. I feel the same way about Afghanistan Toad. I honestly don't know what to think about it.

  10. Shoot them all and be done with it. Sorry giving out a little bad karma but all's fair
