Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Girl Scouts Motivational Poster


  1. OMG!!!! That's too funny!

    Now, I'm scared.......

  2. The look on her face says it all! Scary.

  3. It is funny but doesn't it give the G Scouts a bad image?

  4. Ok, Ok! I promise I WILL buy Girl Scout cookies-just don't burn my house down!

  5. As a former Girl Scout I understand the feeling.. Honestly, is it really that hard to buy a box a cookies.. Dont they know there is a badge on the line?!?!?

  6. I was a girl scout, I was the mother of girl scouts, I was a leader.... why must cookie season happen when it is -30 and snowing?

    What always got me were the people who bought many boxes, then never had the money or were never home when they needed to be delivered.

    I think the cookie cupboards in the stores are much safer for the girls. I buy them there now.

  7. GS Cookies are like crack...can't stop eat'en them....

    My Favorites are:

    Thin Mints: The most enduring and universally familiar Girl Scout cookie. These round, mint-flavored cookies covered with dark chocolate perennially sell the most boxes of any cookie. Thin Mints have never changed their name. Little Brownie Bakers and ABC Bakers both make Thin Mints.

    Samoas® or Caramel deLites®: These are round doughnut-shaped cookies about two inches in diameter with a hole in the center, covered in caramel and toasted coconut, and then striped with chocolate. Samoas® are made by Little Brownie Bakers. The ABC version is called Caramel deLites®.

    Tagalongs® or Peanut Butter Patties®: These are round cookies with a layer of peanut butter on top, and covered in chocolate. These cookies come in a red box. Little Brownie Bakers calls them Tagalongs®, ABC Bakers call them Peanut Butter Patties®.

  8. Oh man, last year a friend of mine sent me a couple of boxes of GSCs, that was HEAVEN!! I haven't had a GSC since I moved here to Sweden.. I love it when people send care packages..

    I'd buy them if I were there.. mostly because I just know the feeling of trying to sell.. Just like here they have started coming around selling stuff for Christmas (they young kids) I always make sure I buy at least something small.. it's hard work.
