Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Interesting Email We Received

Hey JT,

I work for bigMETHOD, a digital marketing agency, representing the new relaxation shot iChill. I saw your post about Drank, the relaxation drink, back in June and thought I’d reach out. [drank - the Anti-Energy Drink]

iChill is a zero sugar, carb, and calorie relaxation shot for the mind and body. I’ve included more information about the relaxation shot and a link to the website in my signature below. Would love to send you a case of the product so you can check it out and if you like it, review on JT Irregulars at some point.

We’ll also be releasing a few humorous videos in the coming weeks, and I’ll keep you posted as they come.

Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send some samples of iChill your way.

Take Care,

Creator Greg Figueroa says, “The market is flooded with energy drinks - sugar-filled, high-calorie, stress inducers. The world is intense enough, why add to it? With iChill, we make it easy for consumers to unwind in a natural way.”

iChill Relaxation Shots combine a natural blend of Melatonin, Valerian root, Rose Hips and B vitamins that are proven to ease anxiety, curb stress and elevate the drinker’s mood. For more information visit

As a part of the iChill product launch they are running a sweepstakes for an all-inclusive one-week trip for two to Coco Plum Resort in Belize to users who interact with the brand on Facebook and Twitter.


iChill Press Page:
Kelly Yahr
Public Relations

5519 S. Centinela Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90066

Thank you, Kelly. We've decided to accept your offer of a case of iChill. Perhaps we'll distribute it at our next get-together. We'll be sure to sample one and write a review.

We're delighted with the attention. It is very much appreciated.

Oh, and if you could, please don't call us JT. JTI is fine, thank you, or JT Irregulars, or just about anything else, but never, ever JT. Please.

Thank you again for your kindness.


  1. I'll swallow some of that juice...

  2. Smart marketing. Blogs could be a good place to start chatter about products. I mean, if you can't afford Superbowl commercial air time.

    Very nice of them to make the offer. Speaking only for myself, I'd like to say that all sorts of remuneration could result in positive blogs on the JT Irregulars. Each one of us is an author on the site, so each wheel may require it's own grease, as it were, to keep from squeaking.

    In any case, I want to promise our public that when we're on the take, we'll tell you so. In fact, look at us now. We're damn proud of it!

  3. Such notoriety all the way from Los Angeles! Heck, I'm busting my buttons. I guess we are both easy and cheap. Bring on the iChill. I be chillin'.... ;>

    I may need to down it laying down though. Work has been brutal. Think I fell asleep at 7pm tonight.

    Oh, if the JTI wins the trip to Belize, I'm putting the dibs on that right now.

  4. Ooh sounds like wonderful stuff.. Too bad it probably will not be available here in Sweden...

  5. Oh, if the JTI wins the trip to Belize, I'm putting the dibs on that right now.

    KK...I'll be your baggage boy!

  6. Can we do writeups on the new Ipods, 2010 Mustangs and beer as well?

  7. When I came back from a trip to Belize a few years back, I had 5 Bot fly larvae embedded in my shoulder and back. I had them taken out by a surgeon in his office. His assistant blew her cookies before she almost hit the floor when he pulled those little buggers out.
    (gross blog to soon follow).

  8. Geeze, thanks for ruining my dreams logjam... Sure you weren't rolling around in the sand with some loose woman? ;>

  9. I have now sampled that delightful elixir iChill telepathically and can attest to its wondrous taste and powers.

  10. "Oh, and if you could, please don't call us JT. JTI is fine, thank you, or JT Irregulars, or just about anything else, but never, ever JT."

    Hmmm.... they replied to our email, stating they would send out a case. BUT, she still called us JT. Evidently, she doesn't know how much that might influence our opinion.... hmmmm, indeed!
