Sunday, September 20, 2009

Just what we need - 36 webpages (and counting) of photos of the people who shop at WalMart.


  1. I think that guy with the bright pants and slippers used to hang out downtown.

  2. I have good news for they guy who hates queers...he doesn't ever have to worry about one hitting on him!

  3. Did you have to put that woman with her underwear hanging out out there??? Did you have to??? Omigosh.....and, no, I am not looking at the rest of the pictures and you can't make me. Plfffft.

  4. I see this people once a month when I stock up at Wal-Mart. Occasionally, more often. It's like walking through a chamber of horrors.

  5. Oh my.. I worked at Wal-Mart when they first opened there in Racine.. You would definitely see some colorful characters..

    Wal-Mart is also a favorite place for us to visit when we are newly in Racine and completely jet-lagged.. Usually get up around 3-4 a.m. and wander through.. It's actually almost pleasant. We rarely buy anything (probably why it's more enjoyable we dont expect any help or have to check out at the end of it) just like to wander and see who else is up at 3-4a.m. and at Wal-Mart..

  6. I've only made it through a few of the many pages and am relieved I haven't found a picture of myself. I love wal-mart. You can buy ANYTHING there.

  7. Poor walmart...

    Another store many people shop at is the Dollar Store...and there are some pretty goofy looking ones going there. I guess they don't get the publicity like Walmart because they are no where close to the same size.

  8. My EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH
