Sunday, September 6, 2009

Plastic Pink Flamingo Named Madison's Official City Bird

On September 1, Madison's City Council voted to make the plastic pink flamingo the official city bird. It was done to honor a 30 year old college prank.,0,4536100.story

Gee, and all that Racine's City Council ever does is give us the bird.


  1. There is or used to be a company that you could call and for a small fee have flamingos placed in people's yards, sort of like a prank. I can't remember if it was local or not.

  2. They should name the robin Racine's official bird because City Hall is always robin us.

    Ahh, I didn't hink it was that funny, either...

  3. I remember that KK. They'd put like 50 in your yard. I thought it was pretty funny.

  4. I think they should name Heckle and Jeckle our city birds....

    Heckle and Jeckle
