Saturday, September 12, 2009

Status: Help, trapped in drain, LOL

You fall down a storm drain and are trapped. You have your mobile phone so what do you do? Call the police...the fire department, your parents?

Well, two girls in Australia decided to no one of those things and instead set their facebook status to reflect their predicament.

Guess this means we all need to friend 911 on facebook now.


  1. Were these kids blond or the offspring of a blond?

    Hey, it felt like a funny comment, and kkd doesn't know where I live.

  2. Good thing you are on the mend. You still have pity power working for ya! Bad huck, bad, bad huck!

  3. Next time I'm in trouble, I'm gonna blog about it first, call 911 second.

  4. What some people do never ceases to amaze me!

  5. Dumb kids.

    I thought you had to be 13 to be on FB?

  6. Does anyone remember the guy who Twittered (God, I hate that word) about the plane crash he had just been in?
