Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Better Know Racine...

Stephen Colbert got a lot of mileage out of his "Better Know a District" series where we was attempting to interview the Representative of every Congressional District. Eventually of course the politicians wised up and not many of them want to appear in his series any more.

Now Colbert is letting you have a go with the Colbert Nation Interview Simulator. All you need to do is upload a picture of yourself and then record your answers to his questions about your town. If you want to do full fledged video of yourself, that's cool too.

I know quite a few people here have some strong opinions about how things are going in Racine so here is your chance to tell Stephen. Winners will be featured on the Report.

Orbs, I am looking at you! Or better yet, make it a group effort at the next get together!


  1. What blogs in Racine, stays in Racine. I wouldn't dis Racine to a national audience. I was up in Milwaukee today and bitched a little about Racine to a friend. Then I said, "At least it isn't as bad as it is here." :D

  2. While everyone loves to hate orbscorbs, those who know him, know that he is really a true blue odie. I think those of us who complain the loudest, really love our city the most.
