Monday, October 12, 2009

Cash For Clunkers

The Goverment spent $2.877 billion dollars for Clunkers...
They saved $399+ million in barrels of oil...

15.8 mpg/clunker
15,000 average miles/year
949 Gallons/year

24.9 mpg/new vehicle
15,000 average miles/year
602 Gallons/year

690,114 Clunkers traded in

239,440,194 Gallons of gas saved per year
42 gallons in a barrel of crude oil
5,700,957 full barrels of gas/oil

$70.00 cost per barrel of raw oil
$399,066,989 total savings in barrels

Top 10 Cars Purchased -
1.Toyota Corolla
2.Honda Civic
3.Toyota Camry
4.Ford Focus FWD
5.Hyundai Elantra
6.Nissan Versa
7.Toyota Prius
8.Honda Accord
9.Honda Fit
10.Ford Escape FWD

Uhmmmm not saying much for American Made.....

Source: Department Of Transportation


  1. That's because in about 1970 good ole Americans decided to start buying the "TIN" cars made in Japan. Since the Japanese people were MUCH smarter than the Americans (see Juran) they took the auto market over. WE LET THEM. I have NEVER owned any of the automobiles listed other than FORD. The ONLY TRUE foreign automobile I have ever owned is a VW.

    Anyhow. Your correct. It doesn't say much for America, but WE did it to ourselves.

    Further. You could NOT possibly calculate what the ACTUAL cost OR saving of the "Cash for Clunkers" program without including thousands of factors it would take a rocket scientist to figure out.

  2. I think it's all so complicated and big now that no one can figure much out about the economy anymore. It's almost like dealing with a force of nature. Like the weather, or Lake Michigan, the economy is something that we're pretty sure we're affecting, but we're not quite sure how. There's all sorts of theories...

  3. True, Toad. There are many goals, costs, and benefits from the cash for clunkers. Hard to say what the end result really is.

    One minor quibble on the math Ser...actually, on one of the assumptions (the math itself is all right). One barrel of oil (42 gallons) does not yield 42 gallons of gasoline. The best I can find is that it yields about 19.4 gallons of gasoline (and a bunch of other products) after refining. That would more than double you $399 billion savings per year. And remember it is per year...these savings will keep adding up for years to come.

  4. I agree with everyone, there is no way a true or even close to true cost savings can be calculated.

    One thing, and I hope it does not change, I have not heard of any ‘scams’ or misuse of the money.


    Gallons of gas in a barrel is just over 23. Reference: Gallons of Gas in a Barrel . The remaining 19 make up jet fuel, lubricants, etc.

    Yes there would be over 10 million barrels but when broken down to just gasoline, it comes back 5.7 mil.

    There are 19,498,000 barrels/day .Reference: Barrels used per day in the US so the 5.7 mil is just over ¼ of one day usage. Looking at it another way, it is just over 6 hours per year savings.

    Actually I find it very interesting how you can “post” the number by dancing them around, to get the result you want, especially if you are giving a presentation.

    So I could say we spent $2.877 billion to save 6+ hours of fuel usage per year, and I really would not be lying. But, every year through deterioration, mileage will drop and savings will shrink!

    SO, today only, I will sell you one of my proven “Maflippulators” at the low cost of $325.00. My Maflippulator will improve your gas mileage 200%.

  5. I noticed that none of the GM or Chrysler products made the top 10.

  6. I hate to admit it, but I love my Chrysler 300 Hemi. Actually because of the aerodynamics it get darn good gas mileage. You just don't want to push the pedal too far. Don't like all the PLASTIC on the front and back though. Whatever happened to BUMPERS?
