Monday, October 19, 2009

Ode to Forgetfulness

I wish I could remember what song that sounds like.


  1. Too good....

    The Beatles......good tune.

  2. Here I was feeling smug... and he came to the part about glasses in every room. Not so smug anymore. Drat!

  3. HaHa!! that was really funny.. The scary thing is that I have a terrible memory at 30.. I can only imagine what the next 30 years has in store for me.

  4. One thing I learned is never lay something down for just a minute. It'll be gone. Also make a LOT of notes as to what you are going to do and when. My glasses I constantly lose but I only have two rooms to look for them. I tried to push them up in my hair (and look sheek) BUT they got tangled in my hair and I lost about an inch of scalp. The video tho is very funny. Good thing we can laugh at ourselves.

  5. "O" Mary: That is probably one of your favorites, but that is exactly what my problem has been lately. HUH?

  6. Sassa, I make notes, and then lose the notes. I once looked up a book at the library on the computer. They had it, so I wrote down the title to pick it up. By the time I had my coat on, the note had disappeared and I'd forgotten the book's title.

  7. Yeah, I pretty much knew right away it was a Beatles song. As a matter of fact, I was listening to it last night.
    As for the memory part, I DON'T EVEN WANT TO GO THERE!
    It's been a "have you seen my ???" type of week.

  8. Let me clarify "have you seen my" statement. Coupons, shoe (dog) and I can't remember what else.......
