Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another Online Test

The Power of Observation Test

A friend emailed me the link to this one. I got 21 out of 25.


  1. I can't believe that one of the ones that I missed was the number of US states. Wtf?

  2. How do you get on it? All I got was stuff about Joe Black.

  3. Hmm. I tried it in both Firefox and IE. You just go to the page and it takes a few seconds for the test to load (underneath the Joe Black stuff), then you click Start on the lower left. Maybe you have a program blocking it, some anti-spyware or something?

  4. 17 out of 25. I knew the states. I missed the hard ones, like the lug nuts question and the pencil sides.

  5. The lug nut one isn't really fair. A lot of smaller vehicles have four lugs now.

  6. I got 18...and a couple I knew I was wrong on as soon as I hit enter. Lug nuts...I had not a clue....the matches I guessed at and got right!!!! Oh dear.

  7. 18 not bad.. the lug nuts I hadn't a clue either.. i said 8, never changed my own tire.. hmm maybe I should.. the matches I didnt know and which card the name brand was on, on a deck of cards I was going between the ace of spades and the joker, guessed wrong.. dont remember what else I got wrong..

    People here in Sweden will not believe me when I say there are 50 states, they tell me I am wrong and that there are 52 states... guess they would know better huh.

  8. Well, there are several bones to pick with this. Orbs points out one with the lug nut question.

    The one that toasted my cheese was the water down the drain question. That has NOTHING TO DO WITH IF YOU ARE NORTH OF THE EQUATOR! The Coriolis effect is way too small when you are looking at something the size of a drain to have an effect (except under EXTREMELY rare and controlled conditions you can measure it, but it is difficult). The design of the drain has determines everything.

    Also, the lowest whole number on the FM dial is weird. My digital tuner goes down to 87.9...okay, not a whole number but it goes straight to 88.1 after that so there no whole number! I guess they wanted to talk about old school FM radios, so I still have a bone to pick there as I had no idea what the question was really asking.

    For the woman's blouse, from the perspective of the wearer or the viewer? Not specified (but I got it right anyway...shouldn't have to guess what the author had in mind).

    Which way do fans rotate...type of fan? My ceiling fans are reversible so it depends on what time of year you ask.

    My blinds must not be ventian because everything is on the right (or the previous owner installed them wrong!)

    Even the Merry Go Round Europe they go clockwise and in the U.S. counterclockwise...makes life difficult if you have been out of the country.

    So there are 6 out of 25 questions I take issue with. That means I give him a 76% on his own quiz!

  9. I got 18 out of 25...only because they wouldn't let me get up and walk. It seems I took this test recently. Mmmmm

  10. Got 17 - lug nut question got me, also the hot dog buns - the standard used to be six, and agree with Orbs about the fan - depends on what type. The music though...yikes...listen to it for awhile - designed to scramble your brain. Forget waterboarding - pipe that stuff into GITMO!

  11. 18...should of had 19, I clicked on the wrong one...oh well to bad so sad.

  12. I'll betcha it was hell to administer a test to hale-bopp in school.

    I agree with Caledonia Unplugged about the music. It made me feel like the test was timed. I had to turn it off.
