Friday, November 6, 2009

Four for Fridays

Hello everybody! Welcome back to Four for Fridays! This weeks' questions are about movies...

1) What is your favorite movie?

2)What is you least favorite movie?

3) What was the last DVD you rented?

4)Have you ever cried while watching a movie? If so, which one?

Have a good weekend folks!


  1. 1. Carbine Williams (Jimmy Stewart)
    2. Too many to mention
    3. El Camino (Clint Eastwood)
    4. Yes Several Movies were moving.

  2. 1. Can't pick just one: Forest Gump, Napoleon Dynamite, House of Games

    2. Pulp Fiction (I hear it was good, but I couldn't handle the violence)

    3. I'm holding a chick flick from the library right now. I'm not even expecting to be able to watch this trash.... Confessions of a Shopaholic.

    4. Bucket List and Babe are two that I'm pretty sure some moisture leaked from me.

  3. 1. Depends on my mood, goes between Princess Bride, and Madagascar

    2. anything sci fi

    3. Hannah Montana, somebody else rented but we watched it here...

    4. comes close but not quite

  4. 1) What is your favorite movie?
    American Beauty or The Matrix

    2)What is you least favorite movie?
    The English Patient - I went with, and on the advice of, a friend. My ass fell asleep. I think that movie is three weeks long and mind-numbingly boring.

    3) What was the last DVD you rented?
    Kung Fu Hustle

    4)Have you ever cried while watching a movie? If so, which one?
    Yes. Bambi's mother's death traumatized me. I remember I also cried when Elvis died in Love Me Tender. And when Old Yeller got it. I haven't stopped crying since.

  5. Btw, drew, this is a great feature. Thank you. :)

  6. 1. Field of Dreams
    2. Can't remember, there have been alot
    3. Haven't rented a movie in forever.
    4. ET, Ladder 49, Titanic (so I get mushy during movies lol)

  7. 1)The Lord of the Rings trilogy

    2)Horror flicks

    3)Wolverine and Ice Age3

    4)I bawled my eyes out watching Forrest Gump last weekend (personal reasons)

    Orbs-I got the idea from Barbara's blog.

  8. Transformers

    Least...not sure, the list is too long.

    Rented, cannot remember it has been so long. I get them from the library or friends.

    Cry during a movie...ME. Transformers when bumblebee got hurt.

  9. 1. Labyrinth, Princess Bride or Annie.. ooh.. Sound of Music.. hair.. Phantom of the Opera.. most musicals (cheesy I know but I love singing along to movies!!)

    2. Anything Tarantino

    3. No Country for Old Men

    4. Titanic, cried like the little girl I was, but there has been many movies I cried at, bit of a softy I am. I even cried watching Return of the Jedi..

  10. 1. To Kill a Mockingbird
    2. Believe it or not it was a George Clooney movie that had Vampires and weird things. Red something.
    3. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Wow, that was a while ago.
    4. E.T.

  11. KK: I forgot about "Bucket List" that one brought a few tears up/down whatever.

  12. I think ANYONE that had to endure "old Yeller" in grade school should be paid a sum of money by the government to help with PTSD. Has to be the DUMBEST thing to show kids EVER though of. AND I'M NOT KIDDING.

  13. 1. Enemy Below

    2. Wild hogs

    3. I don't rent but the sast one I bought was The talented Mr Ripley.

    4. Roman Holiday

  14. 1. Enemy Below

    2. Wild hogs

    3. I don't rent but the sast one I bought was The talented Mr Ripley.

    4. Roman Holiday

  15. Toad said...

    "I think ANYONE that had to endure "old Yeller" in grade school should be paid a sum of money by the government to help with PTSD. Has to be the DUMBEST thing to show kids EVER though of. AND I'M NOT KIDDING."

    LOLOLOL! I wholeheartedly concur! Where do I sign up? I should talk to my shrink about this. Maybe I can sue Disney. They did Bambi and Old Yeller, right?

  16. Orb's: YA BAMBI TOO. To this day I can't watch those movies. What the hell do you think they were thinking?

    From one extreme to the other, In High School we had to read Macbeth. Who really gave a crap?

  17. As a kid I loved to read. However, I don't believe I ever read anything of interest in my English classes.

    The things they have kids read now are just as bad. Many of our teenagers, unfortunately, live lives of victimization, poverty, teenage pregnancies, incarceration, rape, incest, drugs, and other horrors. They sure don't need to read stories about this in English class.

  18. 1. An Affair To Remember ( Cary Grant)

    2. Anything that is supposed to be funny and makes me watch it waiting for the hilarity to ensue.... but never comes.

    3. Probably that last un funny movie that I don't remember.

    4. See #1

  19. Will have to add Schindler's List to my cried while watching.. It was on Swedish TV last night and I just could not stop the tears from falling..
    Think holocaust movies are a little more terrible right now. I am a little extra sensitive right now, I went to a museum while I was in Riga last weekend about the time of their Occupation. It was horrible but incredibly interesting. Incredible to think that they were occupied up until 1991. Hard to imagine that kind of life.
