Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quick question

Is anybody out there into Racine
historical stuff?

My grandfather handed down an album of old postcards,
and there were a bunch of old ones from Racine.
Most dates are from 1941-1945.

Some are scenery, others are of things like
parks, the lake, rivers, etc.
Kinda cool stuff, I would love to give to
anyone who would be interested,
seems a shame to toss them, but...
I'm trying to downsize, and I'm not really into them.


  1. I'm sending SER my photos of my grandfolks in about 1912. They were both teachers in Racine and I have pix of the entire teaching staff....just have to get around to it.

    Anyway, try SER...if not, let me know, I do know someone who collects old postcards and would gladly pay for the shipping.

  2. I know some public libraries collect old postcards. The one in Kiel has a project to digitize and upload historical photos.

    Don't throw them out too quickly, I'm sure someone would want them.

  3. don't worry, I'm not going to toss them, just looking for somebody interested in old Racine stuff :) I'll call the Racine library and see what they think, otherwise I'll wait to see if anyone else responds and keep Beejay's friend in mind too :)

  4. They are worth a TON to postcard collectors. I suggest the nearest antique store. The scenic one of OLD Racine Etc. are worth the most. The older the better. Just for grins, look on e-bay and see what people are paying for these things.

  5. Lizardmom: Do you happen to have any OLD cast iron pots and pans? Particularly marked "Griswold", on the bottom?

  6. Toad, I do and we use it a lot, in fact, we will be using it tonight for STEAK! A 14 inch one (skillet that is).

    And, yes, I know what it worth. I also have a 12 inch one that was my mom in law's (and I know that is supposed to be 'mom's in law,' but my tongue won't wrap around that word appropriately.)

  7. Lizardmom: I have personally seen books of postcards go for hundreds of dollars at auction. I have seen individual Halloween cards go for well over a hundred dollars. Don't forget the Titanic sank in 1912.

  8. Beejay: I just paid $157.00 for a number 11 Griswold pan. Almost ALL of the Griswold and Wagner have numbers on the bottom and the top of the handle. Lodge still makes them, but the OLD seasoned ones are by far the best. My dog took my #8 off the stove one night, and the handle broke off. I still use it without the handle, and cannot find another one with the same markings.

  9. Yep, you are right.....This one is over 100 and I believe since my Mom in law is 94, the other one is quite ancient as well!

  10. Just checked, the big one says '12' on the handle. I'm not digging out the other one tonight!

  11. no cast iron pans for me Toad, thanks for giving me another avenue to explore. I think I'll still try the library 1st, just for sentimental reasons I guess, from there I will punt, the more input the better, thanks guys!!!

    If one of our gang is interested tho, they would get it all :)

  12. Liz, I will take them if SER doesn't want them. I will pay for shipping.

  13. Goodness Lizardmom, I have been BIG into Racine history stuff lately, and I would personally love them, but they seem to have a lot of worth. I have lately fallen in love with Racine all over again and been digging into the history.

    I would hate to take anything that is worth money to you or it may be a good thing to hand over to the library or the heritage museum to see if it's something to add to their collection. But if other avenues turn up to be no takers I would like them yes, if no one else would like them instead.

  14. sorry didnt see that SER and BEEJAY had called them already.. =)

  15. whynot, I actually asked SER before posting this, he declined. I have enough for both you and Beejay, I think they have a home. I will have to look and see if I have an address for Beejay, I think I do, but I don't have one for you Whynot, please email me,
    thanks for all your help guys!!!

  16. The Racine Historical Museum.
