Sunday, November 15, 2009

Racine, wi 1951

Found this one just moments after I posted the other.


  1. I always enjoyed the clowns and the outhouse at the parade. I wonder why they discontinued that.

    On another note, I looked at the other videos that came up afterward. This one was there. It is not a feel good video at all, but, unfortunately, it is a true side to Racine that we should not ignore. Someone felt compelled to produce it and upload it to youtube.

    Hard to watch, so I'll just post the url and not the video. Contains some language.
    Racine Vid

  2. 1951 was a great year in Racine - it was the year I was born here. Is that Kiddieland? Yay, Kiddieland!

    In my opinion, the music in "racine vid" is 99% of the problem. The slave mentality. As long as people grow up singing songs that continually reinforce the lie that they don't have a chance (because the "man" has a foot on their throat), they will live down to their own expectations. What if Barrack Obama had believed that "I can't get a job so I gotta rob"? No, you can't get a job with no education, talking like a wombat on horse tranquilizers, and with you pants dragging below your ass. Sorry, I know way too many people who work way too hard at helping others to buy into the massive load of self-pity that most rap music delivers. As a certain segment of our population continues to self-destruct, they have no one to blame but their own "leaders" and cultural icons for drilling a victim mentality into them.

    In my day, the Black Panthers arose to take control of their destiny. Today, the "leaders" and rap stars get rich while giving back ZERO to their community. Keep singing songs of violence and hatred, keep the blame game going, keep a war that ended over 150 years ago alive so that a select few may profit while thousands die.

  3. I can't disagree with most of what you say, orbs. I almost didn't post it for those reasons. The contrast of this video to the others is what compelled me to put it out here. These neighborhoods make up more of Racine than the mansions shown in the other videos.

    Unfortunately, many of our young men feel that they have no choice. The negative lifestyle that provides riches at great expense is hard to resist, especially if their academic career does not seem profitable.

    It is much easier to say you are oppressed, than to work hard to make a change. There often isn't much incentive from home either.
