Monday, December 14, 2009

Drug dealers use child care as front

"Links between day care centers, traffickers common"

"More than a dozen Wisconsin child-care centers that reaped millions of dollars in state subsidies have had close ties to drug-dealing operations, including big-time crime bosses, a Journal Sentinel investigation has found.

"The newspaper identified 16 child-care centers with recent connections to drug operations, and the number is likely much higher. Those 16 alone have collected more than $8.5 million in public subsidies since 2006.

"Records show many of those centers have been used to stash and transport drugs, launder dirty cash and provide fake employment for criminals - at taxpayers' expense."

I don't know what to say anymore.


  1. Here's another one: Homicidal crime boss linked to child care

    It's hard to read these: "In one case, a gunman burst through the door of a home-based child-care business, stuck a gun in the face of an 8-year-old girl and demanded money from the provider. Police believe the invasion was drug-related."

    Wtf is the matter with people? And why does a newspaper have to uncover this crap? Where are the authorities? I wonder if this will convince Cory Mason that we have a problem?

  2. Why am I not surprised. Every day there is corruption in every corner of the government and public utilities. It's like make a law and immediately someone is trying to 'loop-hole' it. I think the US is wasting as much as they are stimulating.

  3. I salute the Journal Sentinel and their investigative reporters!

    I would like to see if any of these people go to court, then have the JS all over ANY attorney who defends them! Dig deep into there past dealings and get the SOB’s disbarred. And when the judge give them a little spanking, have the reporters dig up as much shit on them as possible and have them disbarred.

    If found guilty, bring in the fire department and have training burns and burn their daycare building to the ground and have the guilty parties play for the clean up!

    Personally, I think they should just shoot the bastards in the head, but some people may feel that is too extreme!

  4. I think a large part of the problem is that this "profession" is not given the respect it deserves. The hourly pay for child care and elder care is very low while benefits are next to nothing or are nothing.

    Most decent people can't afford to work these jobs. To do these jobs correctly makes this a huge investment. A worker has to be extremely dedicated.

    So, who takes these jobs? Those with very low education levels, those who have other (bilking the system) intentions or those who already have a criminal record and can't find other work.

    Then you bring in the bureaucratic government run funding and the redundant paperwork and procedures, meant to bilk the system itself for profit for these institutions, and you have the recipe for failure. Only worry of journalistic exposure is what they risk.... unbelievable.

    I was very fortunate to stay home and watch my own children and took the hit financially for it. I wasn't so fortunate to be able to personally care for my elderly mother. The system on both ends of the spectrum is abhorrent and we should be ashamed that as a society, we allow it.

  5. At least in the 30's fronts for mob operations were flower shops and import/export shops. For thugs that put children in harms way,I like SER's idea....shoot first then read them their rights. But it may take sometime to get them to affirm that they understand their right if they don't have enough blood in their brain to stimulate a response.
