Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Food for thought..

OK, it's either food for thought,
or thoughts of a very over tired mind...
either way -

If someone, or many someones, tells
you that you're crazy, do you...

A. Try to prove them wrong

B. Not hurt their feelings by proving them wrong,
but rather, fully enjoy letting them be right??

What do you think??


  1. personally I chose to let them be right, I had an amazingly great time stomping on a pile of big bubble bubblewrap :) if they could see me now :)

  2. As a matter of fact, just recently someone asked if they could help me, and I told them that "People have been trying to help me for 60 years, and nobody has been successful yet."

  3. If anyone knew how really crazy I am, they'd run. I've been trying to get away from me for years.

  4. Orb's: I like that. Maybe I'll try that one next time somebody asks?

  5. People take a look at me and assume I am meek, mild and proper. Those that know me well... would never use those adjectives. I think it might be nice to hold the crazy card. I might give it a try.

  6. Orb's: Holy crap. I just watched the video but, couldn't quite understand the words, so I looked the lyrics up. Whoever wrote that has bigger problems than I do. What a relief. Once again I been saved by a JTIer.
