Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Here in balmy Florida

Sorry you guys are getting a bit of winter...although it sounds like Racine missed the brunt of the storm...thank goodness for that.

Since I am not battling any pythons or giant lizards today, it is wonderful day in Florida... The picture is of one of our normal sunsets.....

I would send some of my palms swaying in the breeze, but I'm afraid of the consequences of such an action on my you on your part....

Stay warm, my friends and have a wonderful Holiday....


  1. Hey Beejay, our harbor doesn't look much worse than that. Here's a picture that Pete Selkowe of the Racine Post took of ours:

    Merry Christmas everybody!

  2. A bit bleaker I would say...just a mite! Made me smile, Orbs!

    Yesterday I found a picture of an 'Orbs' spider...need to scan it and get it up here one of these days....rather unique in its appearance...horny little thing that it was.....meaning it has horns.....nothing other than that, honest.

  3. Chili here today...didn't even get to 60 yesterday and its going to be close today. I had to wear a long sleeve shirt instead of a singlet running yesterday!

  4. Beejay, may the purple bird of paradise...well you know what they say!

    Have a wonderful MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  5. Aw, bird poopies....SER, how mean spirited of you.

  6. The high tomorrow is supposed to be in the teens.... I was taking little old lady steps today so as not to slip on the ice. grrrrrrr.

    Beejay and hale need to be careful that Mme. Z. doesn't send a spell for all that smack talk.

    It is black as night out and it is only 5 pm. Spring is March 21. Will we make it?

  7. I hate you!!! (LOL!!!) Send for me...please!!!!

  8. And my folks are in Cancun...UGH! I miss the palm trees!!!!

  9. As I sit here with the patio door open wide and nice, cool breezes blowing in (it was a bit warm today), I think fondly of all my friends in WI and say to myself...what the hell is wrong with them??? Why aren't they down here enjoying this weather...

    Mme. Zoltar...pfffffft...she doesn't scare me in the least...remember I know Mr Zoltar...I don't know how to spell Monsieur and have no intention of looking it up...time for me to dip in the pool...aaaah.....I am so mean.

  10. Beejay is a little shit...but we love her.....

  11. And it is good to be loved....have a great day...I'm off on my pink bike...about 76 or 77 here already...muggy...not so bad...

  12. It was 2 degrees when I woke up and now it's 6. The wind is blasting out of the west and blows right through the apartment's old windows. As I type this, I'm wearing a jacket and cap. It strikes me that I am colder inside of my home than Beejay is outside of hers. She's right - we're crazy.
