Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Killer plants, is nothing safe????

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside... wow...

killer potatoes!

(1st try at a link, hope it works :) )


  1. a ha! worked 2nd try with help from froglover, thanks!!

  2. Yes, the link works great.

    Now I'm staying up tonight to keep an eye on the spider plant. And I've never really trusted that smug prayer plant, either.

  3. Good job on the link, Lizardmom! Just keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it!

    Thank God, all I've got are plastic plants!

    Then again,things could be worse

  4. I haven't checked out the link. My house is full of plants. Maybe I better not click that link....

  5. I'm not as good as orbs at resisting my temptations. I looked.

    Now I am wondering if those cactus plants and rose bushes of mine are absorbing and benefiting from those drops of blood they occasionally draw from me when handling them. Stinking carnivores.
