Friday, December 11, 2009

Pew News IQ Score

Pew News has a quick little 12 question news quiz I just took. Happy to say I got all 12 right. Only one geography question I had to stop and visualize the map in my head to figure out (fortunately I knew the geography of that part of the world well enough).

At the end of the quiz, they show your score and a little graph with some demographic info (I didn't copy all the questions).

The scores are the average number out of 12 (hence my 12). Men tend to score higher than women overall which is a little surprising. Not surprisingly, college graduates score higher than others (no category for grad school) and older people score higher than younger.

After taking the quiz, you can read their report on how their sample did as a whole.

Just curious how we all do. Take the quiz before looking at comments or you might get spoiler!


  1. I got 9 right.

    There's an ever-shifting cast of characters in Washington, but the storyline never changes.

  2. I had 9, but it should have been 10. My original gut answer was right. I was swayed by the available answers on the last question. Not bad for a chick... (according to the average results)

  3. Wow I got 11. All my circuits must be connecting tonight.

  4. I got nine, I am impressed! Hale doesn't count since he is a bloody genius anyway.

  5. I guessed at 12 of them and got 5 right....

  6. Boo I got 8.. I had a similar situation as KK.. I guess you should always follow your gut.. hmm.. ah well

  7. I got 7 right. Thought I knew....! Oh well at least I have you guys (who know what we are talking about) LOL

  8. 11 right - couldn't find the answer for the one I missed - how many troops are in Afghanistan?
