Thursday, December 3, 2009

Politically Correct My Ass....

I think someone pooped in my Oatmeal....

How many things have we lost due to “Religious groups, political groups, ethnic groups? Here is a few a can remember!

The Frito Bandito
Aunt Jemima
taco bell dog
Golden Books little black sambo

I know there is more...

This does not even include the words we are not suppose to say any more....grrrrrrr.!


  1. And yet it is perfectly okay for the kids to call each other "my nigga." I don't know ANYTHING anymore.

  2. Jeez, I didn't know they took the "Frito Bandito" away. I guess I forgot about it.

    "Aunt Jemima" is still on the Syrup, and Pancake mix.

    I think the "Taco Bell" dog died.

    "Little Black Sambo" GONE but not forgotten. Now he is worth a bundle to collectors.

  3. They also changed the name 'Niggar Hair" to Bigger Hair. For those in the know! LOL

  4. Sassa: I remember seeing that at the A&P and my dad explaining the name change to me.

  5. The word Car-mul really ticks me off. I darn near scream when I hear CARA-MALE or CARE-MO-LIZE

  6. kk, don't you know it...grrrr, don't get me even started. This isn't about racism...

  7. I resent the effort to change thought or values by policing language.

  8. Toad...

    The "Real" Aunt Jemima had to go being an older black lady. Now they have some more 'modern' one on their packaging.

    She is not the real one......

  9. SER: I know. I just saw on Yahoo that "SUNMAID" the raisin people just changed the girl to a YOUNGER model. The same thing Betty Crocker did. Nobody seems to be able to leave things alone?

  10. What us older women look bad??? Hey.....kk, Sassa, let's start a petition....yes, let's .... now wait, I'm the new 30,so kk is the new 15 and Sassa, aw hell, come with me to the new 30!

    just forget the whole thing!

  11. I can understand a company updating an out-of-date icon. I don't think that is what the concern is here. It is the control of what is proper language.

    Just to be clear, my earlier comment had nothing to do with racism.

    We have attempted to become so politically correct, everyone is afraid to speak, yet some vulgarities flip out of people's mouth like sailors on leave.

    Beejay, I wouldn't want to go back to 15. That is a rough age, old enough to know everything, but too young to know anything. I might be persuaded to try 30 again though.

  12. What ticks me off is when they rearrange the grocery store. I could go shopping and not need a list. I knew where everything was. Now I have to go down all the aisles and think Do I need this..or that? Very upsetting for older (rather very mature) people.

  13. Here's a couple more I forgot about,

    The Hamm's Bear and Joe Camel..

    Miller Brewing had discontinued it over concerns it might be interpreted as marketing beer to children; R.J. Reynolds Tobacco had recently been forced to discontinue its Joe Camel character for similar reasons.

  14. Thinking of Sports I remember some teams had to change their name:

    Marquette, intent on not offending American Indians, changed its nickname Monday from Warriors to Golden Eagles in a university vote.

    The move came after the school's nickname was deemed offensive.

    I believe there is a Pro baseball team who changed their name also.

    Maybe the should change the name of the Milwaukee Brewers to Milwaukee Liquid Drinkers.

  15. Sambo's restaurant got it's name changed due to that.
