Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Road trip!!!

I just read MC's party invite to Jacksonville, FL,
This calls for a ROAD TRIP!!

Who's in???

Let's get this party started!!

"Bus driver, MOVE THAT BUS!!!"


  1. I missed the invite... or I'd be there! Who is bringing the case of Glade for this bus trip?

  2. are you or logjam bringing the crayons this time?? :)

    I have a friend in Hollywood, FL, is that anywhere nearby?

  3. I'll go anywhere there is a palm tree!

  4. Hollywood, south of Fort are way north of me and east....sure you don't want to do a road trip to Beejay's joint...near the gulf...where there is free drink and food...maybe even a cheesecake for DogAddicts and a doggy treat for Minnie???

    Come on down to my boat, baby.....

  5. kk, in the comments on your blog about the Journal Times blog (,
    "mc said...
    "SER - the party is on me. Just be at the Long Horn Steak House this Fri nite at 8pm and drinks and a steak dinner are yours. Oh, by the way, I'm talking about the Long Horn in Jacksonville, FL. :)"

    So, we have to stop there, too, and be there by 8 Friday. Rev the heck out of this thing and neutral drop it!

  6. Oh dear... thanks, orbs, for the point in the right direction. I should read my own blogs once in awhile.

    I'm thinking we might need that psychedelic bus we took the last time to make the friday deadline for steaks and drinks!

    I can bring the crayons. Logjam gave me a brand new box the last time I saw him, the swell guy that he is!

  7. Hang on to your socks people, I'll get this buggy to the Long Horn Steak House by Fri nite at 8pm!!

  8. Did I mention the "drinks" would be water and the "stakes" would be for your tent. The "e" was a typo. BTW,there are 6 LongHorn Steak Houses in Jacksonville, so you will just have to drive around till you find the right one. Have a safe trip.

  9. MC, the way SER drives, we won't be stopping to eat or use the facilities anywhere... so we'll have no problem hitting each of them :)

  10. I rolled out of the bed in the back pretty quickly, I'm supposed to be wearing a toga, right?

    MC, no squelching on the deal!

  11. Holy shit we blew a tire! I bet the people in the service station thinks we’re all nuts wearing togas and drinking refreshments!

    I think most of them want to get onboard with us!

  12. NEWS FLASH! All 6 LongHorn Steak Houses in Jacksonville burned to the ground today! Better turn the bus around and go back to Racine. BTW, does anyone know how to get gasoline smell out of clothing?

  13. Where were you guys last night? I had a bunch of hot dogs (tube STEAKS) cooking over the smouldering remains of the LongHorn S.H. at 8 last night. Had a whole case of bottled water too. Sorry, no rain checks.

  14. Well MC, grab a bed sheet, turn it into a toga, that will take care of the gas smell. We'll stop and pick ya up and head to Beejay's
