Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saving the Planet...with Sexy Style

Does global warming have you all hot and bothered and stressed out? Wish you could get some relief without feeling guilty about adding to the problem?

Now you can! The world's first environmentally friendly vibrator, Earth Angel, is now available. Made from recycled materials it uses no batteries but is a wind up vibrator. Testers say it can be "very intense" and you might not be able to handle the highest setting. Four minutes of winding yields 30 minutes of vibrating (which is a ratio that should beat what you get from men!)


  1. Gee hale... just how many batteries do they assume are filling landfills due to this {cough} usage? If they really feel this is necessary for the planet, someone must be using more than their quota...

  2. And you tell the clerk at the checkout that all those batteries are for your nine flashlights at home.

    We should have wind-up internet. Or maybe foot powered, like an exercise bike. The faster you pedal, the faster your download speed.

  3. I use rechargables myself, *grin*.
