Thursday, December 31, 2009

So whatcha doing for New Years Eve??

I have heard people ask...
What are you doing New Years Eve?

Well, I personally will be opening at work,
and going to bed early,
Boy, do I know how to celebrate or what??

What are you guys doing?

Going out?
Having a party?
Staying home and hibernating?

[This blog has been bumped up by request -- The Sheriff.]


  1. I'm partying with Elvis and Michael Jackson. Woo-hoo!

  2. "Staying home and hibernating?"

    Yup. They're having a Three Stooges countdown on AMC (someone always does), so I may catch a few of those, but I've seen them all hundreds of times. I still laugh - what a dolt.

    If I'm up at midnight, I'll listen to the cacophony of firearms being discharged into the air, or elsewhere. Yahoo!

  3. Our traadition is ME, Mrs Wacko and Daughter Wacko, lots of appetizers and finger food, Dick Clark and watching the ball. Boring I know, but family time is the best kind of time.

  4. Ah,ah, ah...I have a date and we are going to go dancing (duh!!!) we'll probably be home b/4 the ball drops. Have a glass or two of pinot something or another....a nice know that kind of 'stuff!'

  5. I think the older you get the less you want to 'celebrate'. I am watching TV (just heard Burn Notice will be on) and I did buy some Egg Nog and I have a bottle of Bacardi so I'm set. Me and my cat!!!

  6. Well, my improv troupe has shows! We are part of Tucson's First Night. First Night's occur all over the country and are alcohol free celebrations featuring local artists. We have two shows at 6 and 9pm. Have a potential bunch of astro friends coming down as well to the shows. Should be a fun night...the second show is at the Leo Rich Theater, a 500 seat space at the convention center. Potentially a big crowd there.

  7. We should have a live chat set up for all of us!

  8. We will be staying in having our once a year steak and lobster dinner.
    Thanks to Orbs letting us know what is on tv, we might just be watching the Stooges. Madame Zoltar sure looks like she is going to have a fun night!

  9. Let's see... you want boring? Appetizers of some sort, tv on mute and the best of all kinds of music going. Some beverage in hand, I do my once yearly 1000 piece puzzle until I can't look it anymore. I try to finish it the next day.

    I'm up until at least midnight, often times until they rerun Australia's bridge fireworks around one or two. I hear the firecrackers on this side of town too, orbs(at least you have to hope that is what the pops are)

  10. I'm probably just gonna stay at home and throw in some rock and roll DVD's in, unless plans change.

  11. Well, if I were there, I would invite you all to bring your sleeping bags and have a party at my place...alas, I am here in Florida where we are going to come to close to 80 today before they pull the rug out from under us for some cooler weather....highs next week in the 60's and one day only 58! BRRRRR that's our winter....

    In any event, all you have a great time.....Also, I want to send a box of honeybell oranges to you guys...who would you suggest I mail them to???? kk, DA???? Who, who, who...can we trust kk...probably since no whipped cream is involved....

  12. Send 'em to Lizardmom. She's our Activities Director. Better ask her first, though.

    A JTI sleepover? I don't know if I could handle that. The morning after would be gruesome.

  13. Beejay, if youd like to send them here, thats fine. The next shindig should be in the near future and here as well

    I spend seeing in the new year under my eyelids, came down with a chest cold after taking a nap - just how did that happen I dont know... next year I have more fun plans to make!!!
    I hope the rest of you guys had a much better time
