Monday, December 7, 2009

The Trials of the Wisconsin National Guard in Iraq...

Things are tough in Wisconsin. There is the economic downturn, winter, and annoying Vikings fans gloating over Brett Favre's stellar season. Now comes word that Iraqi detainees are piling on, adding insult to injury as they taunt members of the Wisconsin National Guard with he Favre situation. Even with their limited knowledge of English, they noticed the Packers decorations and at least one of them knew about Favre and it went downhill from there.

Turns out Vikings fans are as bad as Iraqis (or vice versa). Hope we don't get another case of detainee abuse. Even liberals in Wisconsin would probably defend the guards with the justification that "They were Viking fans. They deserved it!"


  1. Our guys need to find out what soccer teams the detainees favor and start talking trash about them. Resistance is futile!
