Thursday, January 28, 2010

Meet 'Giant George,' the 7ft-long blue Great Dane

"Standing at nearly 43 inches tall from paw to shoulder and weighing a staggering 245lbs could this be the world's new tallest dog?

"Pictured here in the parks of Tuscon, Arizona, George, a four-year-old blue great dane, looks more like a miniature horse than a dog."

Check out more amazing pictures and the rest of the story at:


  1. I wonder if Hale-Bopp has seen this dog around...

  2. Nope, I have cats so I don't get to the dog parks!

    I admit I checked this out to be sure it wasn't a appears genuine. I don't watch local news much so I guess I missed this one.

  3. I'm pretty sure I could ride that beast. I wonder how much FPM (food per mile) cost it would be? Can you imagine being on the business end of that pooper scooper?
