Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Say what??

Today I read a comment on facebook that
had a new word/phrase/whatever, and I like it!

The words - BUTT NUGGET.

It made me giggle uncontrollably as I thought
of all kinds of situations that can be used in.

My grandpa was a good one for strange names,
of his most memorable were...

(wow, spell check actually has that listed!)

and fart blossom.
Not sure what he really meant but it always made us laugh.

What goofy/odd/peculiar phrase(s) have you heard?
This should be good!


  1. and oh how he drove grandma crazy with "I'm gonna goose ya!"

  2. Liz
    Either I am showing my age or you just haven't been around the block.
    Fart Blossom: When a flower blooms (i.e blossoms), it has a certain fragrance to it. Likewise, when someone farts........
    My grandmother used to call us "little burrheads" when she got pissed at us. I'll leave it right there and let you figure it out.

  3. And I do believe grandma knew what she was talking about....Gadzooks is one I love.....

  4. English is definitely my mother's second language. (More accurately, her fourth or fifth.) When I was a kid and playing outside, she would locate me by yelling out the window, "Who is Orbsy?" The Sausage Kitchen deli on Rapids Dr. is forever the "Kitchen Sausage" to her, and the disease, lockjaw, is "jawlock."

    My dad used to say "In God we trust, but in money we believe."

    P.S. So, a "butt nugget" is similar to a "dingleberry," right?

  5. LJ, still working on getting around the rest of the block :) Never heard that one before, but it makes sense now hehehe

    Grandpa was an interesting guy, didn't have alzheimers or dementia but something made him around middle school-ish age, he was so much fun, but his phrases are hilarious :) we never knew when it was an actual saying or when it was a grandpa original, we just knew he made us laugh so hard we hurt :)

  6. My dad likes to say "Off and away in a cloud of garbage" as we were driving away in the car.. never really understood what that mean.. and if you were to ever ask how much something cost he would say " A buck two eighty"... dingleberry was also a favorite of his.

    Not really a strange word but words of wisdom from my grandmother.. "you're always closest to death in the morning"

  7. One I heard a lot when growing up was "up the gump stump." The same anatomy was often colloquially referred to as your "bung hole" ... Good grief, I had a strange family.

  8. Oh, there was also a phrase, spoken in Danish, that asked, "have you seen your belly button today?" Thinking about all of this kind of explains the irregularity I suffer from ....

  9. My mother used to call someone she was mad at "a horses patoot". Don't hear that one very often.

  10. My dad always called me his little squetta. Cute, huh? When I was 49 years old I went to Norway with my mom and met my dad's brother (Uncle John) and I asked him what it meant. He said little fool. Thanks a lot dad! And your butt was ravva or rhumpa.

  11. Oh today I was driving and the phrase Willy Nilly came to mind. Funny, huh? I was watching traffic.

  12. Shart...

    Fart with a lump in it!!!
