Friday, January 29, 2010

We have a winner!

Once again, the people of the Irregular nation have spoken and their voice has been heard. Many deserved to be honored for their ineptitude this week, but one group rose above all. For conduct unbecoming, General Apathy, Major Boredom, Private Interests and in need of Corporal Punishment. For trying to do the will of the people without asking the people, and for not doing a damn thing to change the city, it's image, it's safety and it's economic condition, we hereby honor The Racine City Council

with the Stone Cold Steve Austin STFU flip the bird award. JTI 3:16 says we just flipped you off! Give me a Hell Yeah!


  1. Heck yeah... I'm cleaning up my act today. :)

  2. The next move is to replace them all....How's that go KK, "HECK YEAH"!

  3. Yes! I voted for them even though I nominated Dickert.
