Saturday, February 13, 2010

Continuous Chest Compression CPR

The life you save may be mine!


  1. Yes, for goodness sake, keep the blood flowing to my brain; I need every cell I have left!

    Speaking of left...that is where MY heart is, they are demonstrating this different type of CPR, but aren't they compressing the wrong (right) side of that mannequin?

  2. They recently found it is better to do the continuous compressions. Response time for paramedics is fast enough that breathing is not required. It is something everyone should learn to do and pray they never need to use it!

  3. you keep the heal of your hand on the sternum. That is the part that does the most work, although it looks like they are pushing more on the right they are actually pushing on the middle of the chest cavity.

  4. I would think a second person keeping the airway open (i.e. jaw tilt) would help aerate the lungs. The compressions also change the pressure in the thorasic cavity creating some form of ventilation and continued oxygenation. I don't think it would hurt any.

  5. This makes the HORRIBLE situation MUCH easier. Especially for ONE person. The problem is, they keep changing the rules. The number of ompressions to breathes has change a few times over the years, now it's eliminated? The pre-cordial thump was discontinued. What's next?

  6. Soon we'll all have portable defibrillators the size of a cigarette pack, appropriately.

    Maybe they'll even make an auto-engage model with a dead man switch so that if you go down, it's already hitting your heart with voltage before you even hit the ground.
