Friday, February 5, 2010

Four for Fridays

Hello everybody! This weeks topic is on sports

1) Do you participate in any sport?

2) Did you participate in any when you were younger?

3) What is your favorite sport?

4) Who is your favorite sports team?

A reminder-Super Bowl is this weekend-the Colts or the Saints? Have a good weekend!


  1. 1) Do you participate in any sport?
    Not any more

    2) Did you participate in any when you were younger?
    Yes, 12" softball

    3) What is your favorite sport?
    Beer Drinking

    4) Who is your favorite sports team?
    Green Bay

  2. 1. No
    2. No
    3. watching football
    4. Green Bay

    No wonder I'm so fit huh.. =D

  3. 1. No
    2. Yes, I played softball for a few years.
    3. Football
    4. Green Bay

  4. 1. No, speed walking count?
    2. Pom pon squad
    3. Eating, drinking and socializing
    4. I can sit though a packer game

  5. 1. Currently, run quite a bit (did the Disney Marathon a few weeks ago) and do a lot of local races in the spring and fall (not much goes on here in the summer, but I still put in 30 miles a week or so). Lift weights three days a week.

    Still known to hit the basketball court and soccer occasionally. Would love to play tennis and raquetball more, but don't have suitable opponents. Ultimate frisbee on occasion as well.

    2. Football in high school as well as basketball and track.

    3. Particpatory: running. Spectator,, college basketball, Wildcat softball.

    4. I have several I follow...hard to pick a favorite...U of A, Michigan State, Tampa Bay Bucs and Rays are the ones I follow the closest.

  6. 1) Does blogging count?

    2) Played football in elementary school

    3) Football

    4) Green Bay Packers

    The Saints are going to take Super Bowl win!

  7. Yes, blogging is my sport, too.

    I didn't participate in any organized sports, but played the occasional baseball or football game as a kid.

    I'm not into sports, but I can get into a good football game.

    Green Bay, out of geographic loyalty.

  8. I missed one. I would like the Saints to win.

  9. Oh, me, too. I'm rooting for the Saints because they've never done it - and because the rioting in New Orleans will be spectacular.

  10. 1) Kayaking
    2) Ran hurdles in high school & played bocce ball for DeRose bar for several years
    3) Football
    4) Packers & the Cubs

    Go Saints!

  11. 1. Competitive procrastination
    2. volleyball
    3. love watching free style skiing
    4. Packers of course!
