Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Benefit Review

Last night, I went to the Thoughts for Food Benefit. I had a good time! If anybody is interested, just follow this link over to my blog and read about it there. It took me over an hour to write it up. I would take me too long copy and paste it over here. I'm a SLOW typer. Thanks!

BTW fungi, thanks for the drink!


  1. Thanks for the review, drew. Part of the reason that I'm antisocial is that claustrophobic thing you mentioned at the end. Crowds bug me.

    But again, I applaud the event. I hear it was a great success.

  2. Orbs-Crowd wise, the Lydon Moon and the Feet of Clay shows weren't bad at all. The other two, I was just getting bumped into and couldn't see much of anything. I prefer surroundings with a little elbow room.

  3. I've heard good things in the past about some of the live music at the Oasis on North Beach. I like the idea of an outdoor setting. Maybe I'll check it out this year.

  4. I nominate drew to be the NightLife columnist for the JTIRREGULARS website.

  5. Orbs-The beach is nice! If you catch it on the right day, it's not too crowded.

    Logjam-Thanks for the nomination! The truth is, I don't get out very much. If I do go out to see something, I'll be sure to write about it!

  6. I too am bothered by crowds, I get all sorts of panicky, but I would have braved it. My good friend was playing at one of the stages and would have loved to seem him play. It's nice when things happen in Racine and I would love to patronize it. Thanks for the review, loved reading about it.

  7. thanks drew. i too seem to have trouble coping with crowds these days. but mean jake and aaron in whatever band he's in are a couple of my faves & i'm happy they had such a good turn-out. can't wait for summer on the beach!

  8. Orbs, I've never been to the Oasis. You know I love to listen to music. We should have an irregular get together that includes meeting up at for a night out. That would be fun. The casualness of being outdoors would be perfect.

  9. Better start driving, honey. I heard a robin chirping early this morning. Haven't seen one yet, though.

  10. I no longer go to these events. I am way to impatient to stand in line or behind 5 people deep at a bar and wait 15 minutes for a beer...that shit ain’t happen’in!

    If this event is so good for the community, why is it held at bars? It should be held at the zoo or the down by festival hall. We know why it is not held at festival hall, the city would price gouge the hell out of everyone to hold it there.

    Holding a JTI getogether down by th Oasis is a good idea

  11. Lizardmom, are you thinking what I am thinking? You know I still have connections...

  12. I'm feeling a get-together in the future :)
