Thursday, March 11, 2010

I might be back online

I am back......have my old computer set up...will pick up my new one today or tomorrow and then attempt to set that up.

All you techies out there, is one router better than another? Which and why?

I did buy the TouchSmart HP....we'll see how smart it makes me...LOL.


  1. I don't no anything about routers, but I can tell you the TouchSmart HP computer is great. I bought one for my wife, for Christmas. She loves the computer, great picture also very simple to use. Good luck with your new purchase.

  2. I personally have only used Linksys routers with no issues, plus ease of set up.

  3. You can't go away like that ever again. We missed you! Where is that rotten Donna hiding???? Hmmmmm?

    You can do some reading here about routers at C-net. Their information is usually pretty good. You can also select a few and compare them. Neat feature.

    I use Linksys and occasionally it fails and will need to be reset. Not a major issue, but a pain when it happens, usually when I'm mid-stream working on something important..

    I found this site too, but can't vouch for it:

  4. Beejay, I did a lot of checking on routers and everything pointed to Belkin as the best. Belkin "N" router. So that is what I bought, little more expensive but well worth the money.

    Plugged it in, it ran itself through a setup and rock & roll, no problems at all.

  5. I have a Linksys. Not a problem in a couple of years use.

    I like HP computers, but I've only owned towers, not a touchscreen.

  6. Belkin it will be...I want it to do everything all by its lonesome!

  7. Yes, kk, but only hand-washables.
