Friday, March 12, 2010

Racine Post: "City ready to settle Tingle lawsuit"

I think this sucks. I think it sucks that politicians misbehave and the taxpayers are punished for it. I think it sucks that the same bunch of City Council members that oversaw that administration are overseeing this one, and will make the decision on the payoff.

Why does our city have so much intrigue and malfeasance?


  1. Good for her. I worked with Sandra and she didn't deserve the crap they put her through. Hughes was a piece of work. Hopefully she can put this all behind her now.

    I doubt the aldermen have learned any lessons though. The best we can do is vote them out and hope their replacements are better ones.

  2. Dickert let me down. He is just more of the same.

  3. There's always been much more to the story of Hughes' resignation than was ever made public.
    Hughes' problems in the town he worked prior to Racine were never made public either.
    I suspect Hughes knew about the child porn long before Becker's arrest too.

  4. So she sleeps with her boss (Becker), then sues her employer (the city) because of it. Now Dickert (her friend) will direct the council to give her 30,000 of our dollars as a reward for her affair with Becker.

    Is there anyone who works for the city of Racine who has ANY morals or principles left? Any at all, or are you all leeches?

  5. Yes, strange how we are the ones who have to pay for the mistakes of others. Becker isn't/wasn't poor. He should be paying for his many, many, mistakes, including the fiasco with Tingle.

    Tingle does hold responsibility in this matter. There are other solutions if you find yourself in too compromising a position. I think many women have been hit on by their bosses and have found other solutions than to go through with it.

    I don't think it is just Racine that finds themselves in these slimy situations, either. If you read around, the morals and antics of other cities government and management are questionable. We do seem to be on quite a roll though.

  6. You'd think she'd have more self respect than to sleep with that pedo pig.

  7. It is interesting how some people talk as though they have such inner knowledge of the situation - when it is really only speculation done with limited information.

    The only people who know what happened between Sandy and Becker are they themselves - I knew both of them pretty well and do not believe for a second the rumors of a relationship.

    Becker is obviously a sick and twisted individual. Why anyone would take his word as truth is beyond me. He also said in the same conversation he was not interested in young girls. Should we accept that as truth too?

    There are some people who like to pick and choose what they want to believe or not to believe. Believing a scandalous relationship and blaming the woman is much more entertaining.

  8. I think everyone pretty well agrees Becker is a waste of skin. With that said, who really cares who is playing house with who.

    Seems in today’s world too many people use sex to be a “ladder climber” and if they are caught in some type of scandal, too bad. We know we will never hear the total truth anyhow from both sides. If they are having sex for other reasons and there is only about a zillion, some good, some bad, leave them alone.

    Tiger Woods is a good example. Who cares how many different women he has been with, I will tell you, nosey people, rumor starters and damn if the media is good at that!

    If there is doubt on both sides that there was the “possibility” some extra curricular active going on and someone gets hurt, there is no way there should be any financial gain, such as a law suit, from it. All it does is comes to a point of ‘here’s some money, shut up and go away’.

    One has to remember that it is not just in politics or the front office, but all the way down to the shop floor!

  9. The complaint filed by Sandra was originally against Hughes I thought, not Becker. I'm sure that's what it said in all the news and it was all over town back then obviously.

    It's no secret that Hughes had problems completely unrelated to Becker's problems and Becker's behavior does not absolve Hughes of his.

    I think there were many different shady things going on at city hall at the same time - Hughes going off the deep end - Becker off and running with girlfriends - Backdoor deals taking place with certain individuals - God knows what else. I think Sandra knew too much about too many things and she didn't seem the type to take crap from anyone, including Becker.

    I find it curious that of all the women Becker probably had affairs with - only one name happens to come up in court? And it's the one name that happens to have a pending case against him? Something smells suspicious in my opinion. And if you knew Sandra like I do, you'd be even more suspicious.

  10. I don't understand why certain information came out at Becker's sentencing and why Nieskes had access to it. Nieskes referred to a life history that Becker wrote while in treatment. That's common in treatment, and corresponds to AA's 4th Step: "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." You're supposed to be brutally honest about your flaws and weaknesses.

    I know that treatment records are confidential. I would assume that in a criminal case like Becker's the judge would have access to some of those records, but I would expect that to be primarily doctors' and counselors' reports and opinions on Becker's "addiction" and his chances for recovery. In any case, again, I do not understand how the prosecution ended up with access to Becker's personal life history.

    Unless, of course, Becker wanted them to have access. Under HIPAA, he had to authorize access. (Unless someone accessed the records inappropriately.)

    So the guy goes to treatment, does what he's told to do, writes a fake life history, authorizes the prosecution to access that history, and then expects it to come out at his sentencing, all as part of his plot to smear Ms. Tingle? And his attorney goes along with that or doesn't realize it?

    I don't know what to believe anymore. I find myself saying that a lot lately. I agree with SER, though, that we the people will never know the truth. And that just adds to Racine's shame.

  11. The whole thing is odd Orbs. Did Becker name anybody else or just one lone woman? Was he protecting other women from embarrasment but needed a name to convince his therapist he wasn't into little girls? Then he also denied being interested in little girls to his therapist too. There is just something weird about all of this.

    If Becker wrote an honest account of his life history I'm sure there were all sorts of names we'd be interested to know about. So why this one woman? Is Nieskes a friend of Hughes and thought he could help the case against him? Just throwing out possible theories. Just WHAT has Hughes been doing the past year? Was he working somewhere?

    I'm not sure Cafferty knew all that was going to come out at the trial, he actually looked rather deflated on the pictures IMHO. I also heard from a good source that Cafferty knew nothing about the panty and bra buying spree until a couple days before the sentencing.

  12. There are always slimy people who lie and are very good at it. They seem to usually be smart enough to get into upper management and some into politics. You have to hope that the arrogance of their past success with lies and misbehavior are their own undoing, much like what happened with Becker. The trouble is they usually hurt a lot of people before they are taken out.

    Somehow, I thought it was fact, that Tingle, herself, admitted a sexual relation. I must be mistaken?

  13. KKd - No Sandra did not admit to sexual relations with Becker.
    It was very irresponsible reporting on the JT's part the way the story was written.

    The more I think about it the more peculiar I find it that only one woman's name was mentioned in Gary Becker's sexual "confessions". Something isn't right about that.

  14. Thanks for enlightening me, anon. The reporters who write for The Journal Times are barely literate sometimes. I'm certain that is where I was led astray in my thoughts.

    If you followed the entire story, there were many things that didn't add up. One item that comes to mind is that no one questioned the validity of the story of the 46 year old woman, who came forward to bail out Becker on the teen-appropriate panties and bra purchases. Her testimony was taken as fact at the hearing.

    It was stated that these lingerie items were in several different sizes. Does her small stature and weight vary so much that several sizes are necessary? Was she paid off? The word perjury comes to my mind.

  15. "It was stated that these lingerie items were in several different sizes. Does her small stature and weight vary so much that several sizes are necessary? "

    Perhaps some of them were for Becker himself.

  16. Kramer wanted to call it the "Bro," and George's dad wanted to call it the "Manssiere."
