Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Stuff Christians Like

I remember a while ago someone posted a blog about Stuff White People Like which takes aim at the lefty whites in this country (and does it pretty well...having someone make fun of you is one thing...the least they can do is make it truly funny). Now someone has done the same for Christians with Stuff Christians Like.

I tell ya, I am getting an education about all you Christians out there!

I just peeked around out of curiosity and there is a Stuff Conservatives Like web site, but it is not nearly as good as the Stuff White People Like. Seems more like hackish attacks rather than the higher level satire of Stuff White People like. It's fairly new and only has 8 entries, so maybe he will get better.

There is a Stuff Black People like (very amateurish...even more so than Stuff Conservatives Like) but Stuff Gay Guys like has potential.

Sorry, I am getting distracted and randomly googling "stuff ______ like" where you can fill in the blank with your favorite racial group/political affiliation/sexual orientation/etc.


  1. I just Googled "stuff irregulars like" and this blog was the first hit.

    I also found Stuff Asian People Like while searching for Stuff Insane People Like.
