Thursday, April 1, 2010

Asteroid Obama

Today the Minor Planet Center announced that Asteroid 2008VG has been renamed "Barack Obama" in honor of the U.S. President. The asteroid was discovered on November 4th, 2008, the day Obama won his historic victory, by Leo Biderman..

"I found the asteroid and once it was confirmed, I knew I wanted to name it after Obama," Biderdman said. "Subsequent observations revealed the asteroid had two moons, so I decided to name them 'Hope' and 'Change'".

"This is a great honor," Obama said on hearing the news, "And I am proposing a mission to Asteroid Obama to be launched in 2012, hopefully near election day so we can better understand this object that formed over 4 billion years ago with our Solar System."

Reaction from the Republican leadership was swift. "This is a ridiculous case of idolizing our President and giving him an excuse to waste taxpayer dollars in space that could be better wasted in my district," said John Boehner.

Don McElroy of the Texas Board of Education joined in saying, "I can save us billions of dollars by telling him the asteroid is only 6,000 years old, just like the Universe".

Bill O'Reilly demanded an asteroid be named after Ronald Reagan, "To keep the cosmos Fair and Balanced".


  1. Hale, you almost had me. Nice job!

  2. I knew it right away. Hale, I'm getting used to your pranks... :)

  3. You two are no fun...can't you post mock outrage or something to egg on others who might not get the joke :)

  4. I heard that Asteroid Barack Obama is going to collide with Earth on December 21, 2012.

  5. I guess those guys on Fox News are right, Orbs. Obama IS going to KILL US ALL...although I bet none of them saw that coming!
