Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Beatles 3000

I love the Beatles! Words cannot describe this video! I had a good laugh watching this one! Just watch it....


  1. What makes it truly funny is the amount of production that went into it.. I mean if you didn't know better it could be believable. Thats funny.. thanks for the laugh.

  2. I'm with Why Not. The production of this could be believable.
    Being a huge Beatle fan myself, I would say that they will probably still be remembered in the year 3000.

  3. That was pretty funny and clever, thanks for sharing. I don't care how old Paul McKenzie is... he's still hot! Kind of reminds me of the history in the movie Forest Gump.

  4. Very clever. Makes me wonder what we really know about history. How much is fact and how much is projection of historians' expectations and flawed deductions?

  5. Guys, I thought it was clever too... The vid made me think how accurate is our history, archeology and paleontology is really is.
