Thursday, April 29, 2010

Do you believe that people are basically good, bad, or what?

Yeah, a broad question about human nature that cannot be answered definitively. Still, I think about it sometimes. I know that the public persona of OrbsCorbs is a cynical SOB who sees darkness wherever he goes. Inside of me, though, the guy who dons the OrbsCorbs mask, there's this kid who still wonders wtf is going on. I want to believe that people are basically good, that humans have an innate intelligence/spirit that seeks truth and justice. But I see little evidence of it. Very little. (Oh, that Orbs! :rolleyes: )

Of course, many believe in tabula rasa: we are born 'blank' and our experiences shape who/what we are. So, if you have more bad experiences than good, you turn out bad? Obviously, not always.

I don't know. Perhaps I'm just tired. Perhaps I think too much.


  1. I suppose, if you're an optimist, you believe that people are basically good; and if you're a pessimist, you believe that people are basically bad.

  2. I like to think that people are basically good. It's hard to keep that up though, especially when I read more news. Quite often when I read things like JT I think that the whole of Racine has lost it's sense.. Everyone is a violent arrogant jerk.. I actually get nervous flying back to visit.. But when I actually get there and start spending time out and about with the real people I find that as a whole they are very pleasant. I walk through Island Park (I grew up right by it and my parents still live there) and I meet people out and about and they say hello and smile. Even those who look a little ify will usually give a smile and continue on their way.

    I have stories of not great things happening there to me when i was a kid, but it's never stopped me from loving that park and that river and loving the people that are there. There will always be jerks and A-holes. Nothing you can do about that, but those that I actually meet in the flesh are usually very polite and kind. So when I start to really feel like the world really is going to hell in a hand basket I just try to shut off the computer and step outside and meet people, look around and find the good because the news really doesn't show that side very well. You have to find it yourself.

  3. I have a problem with not finding anything good in a person. I know I live in my own little dream world. But I keep hoping when I see evil, that it is not intentional and that they are having a bad day. Unfortunately, that often is not the case.

    My personality defect is that I keep forgiving people for the unloving acts they direct at me and giving them 'one more chance.'

  4. I honestly think people are good. Take Haiti for instance. Look at all the money that was donated, not to mention the volunteers that went down there to help.
    Unfortunately the media focuses on the bad to the point where we turn off the news before they turn their attention to the good that is being done.
    I think it was in Milwaukee where a guy was robbed and when the robber realized the victim was a soldier, gave him everything back, stating "we don't rob soldiers". There is something to be said there. Not a lot, but something.

  5. Let's just say I like Dog's and Cat's more than a lot of people. People are FUBAR for the most part.

  6. Toad, I agree. FUBAR, indeed!

    I believe that for some reason, I either attract, or am attracted to, "bad" people. For decades, I have described myself as a "sh*t magnet."


  7. I think that everyone holds the capabilities of being both. It is choice, fear, the want to be accepted... experiences or abuse in your life... many things influence behavior. One's behavior can change dramatically from moment to moment.

    I read something pretty interesting recently that said that ostracism actually triggers the pain realization area of your brain.

  8. That's why solitary confinement is devastating.
