Friday, April 2, 2010

Four for Fridays

Howdy everyone! Hope everyone is having a Good Friday! I'm off of work.... Here's this weeks' questions...

1) What are your summer plans?

2) What would you like to do this summer?

3) Do you celebrate Easter?

4) Any Easter memories?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. Not much

    2. Not much

    3. Yes

    4. YES. I fell on my face on the concrete front porch last Easter, because my left foot got caught on the step. Spent 4 hours in the hospital, and STILL cooked Easter Dinner. Vince Lombardi would be proud.

  2. 1. Nothing yet.

    2. I'd like the summer off like in the old days.

    3. Yes, the family gets together every Easter.

    4. There is a picture of me and my sister on Easter Sunday. We both had our new white hats, white gloves and white patent leather shoes on. I think of that picture every Easter.

  3. 1. To sleep past 5 am everyday!

    2. To continue to de-clutter and simplify my life.

    3. Not so much now that the kids are grown.

    4. Fancy dresses, Easter hats and patent leather shoes.

  4. 1) What are your summer plans?
    To continue to worry.

    2) What would you like to do this summer?
    Win the lottery.

    3) Do you celebrate Easter?
    In the past, I've taken mom to my sister's home for Easter dinner, but mom's not up for it this year. I found out today that she's not even cooking anything, so I guess no Easter this year.

    4) Any Easter memories?
    Snow on Easter.

  5. 1) the beach, the cabin, the rooftop garden
    2) slow it down
    3) kinda - having dinner out with mom on saturday
    4) the very same shoes, hats, dresses, matching gloves & purses... also remember when i found out there really wasn't an easter bunny - discovered my easter basket hiding in the bathtub the day before!

  6. 1) Not sure, but there are a couple of concerts that I may attend to.

    2) I'd love to take a long vacation someplace nice.

    3) Not much more these days...

    4)Hiding Easter eggs from my folks...

  7. 1. working
    2. prefer not to be working, hoping to relax more
    3. yes
    4. watching the kids search my moms house for her hidden baskets in the weirdest places

  8. 1. spend more time outdoors
    2. Get a nice tan
    3. I always go to my brothers house. Yum-m-m-m
    4. Going to the zoo with my sons and having other kids take away their eggs.
    Side note...thanks Orbs for including the questions in your answers. Saves me from going back and forth.

  9. If you scroll to the top of the page and click on Show Original Post, the questions will be displayed next to the "Leave your comment" box.

  10. 1. Travel to WI in late July
    2. Arrive safely???
    3. Yes
    4. My Mom and her Easter Baskets...I had the same basket until I was in my 20's! I wish I had helped clean out her garage, bet she still had it!

  11. Thanks Orbs..I never knew that.

  12. 1) No idea

    2) Get the hell outta Racine

    3) No

    4) Baskets when I was a kid with those peeps

  13. 1) What are your summer plans?
    Hang out here and then in August go to the family's summer house on the west coast of sweden

    2) What would you like to do this summer?
    Go traveling around Europe with an unlimited money supply

    3) Do you celebrate Easter?
    usually, but we went away this year for a mini vacation so we were not home to do much.

    4) Any Easter memories?
    One Easter I had to work in the morning, I looked forward to coming home and having Easter lunch with the fam. When I got there, there was a note on the table that said "Went to the show, Easter lunch is in the micro"
    Kinda sucky..
