Friday, April 16, 2010

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! This week has been rather a strange week for me. So I've got some deep thoughts for you!

1) Do you believe in fate and/or destiny?

2) Has anybody from your past has contacted you out of the blue?

3) Have you ever wondered what became of that certain person? It could be anybody.

4) Have you ever tried to contact someone you had not seen in years?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) Do you believe in fate and/or destiny?
    Absolutely, I've always believed things work out the way they do for some reason.

    2) Has anybody from your past has contacted you out of the blue?
    With the help of FB yes, but otherwise, not that I can remember

    3) Have you ever wondered what became of that certain person? It could be anybody.
    All the time, some people I didnt even know that well.. just old classmates or workmates..

    4) Have you ever tried to contact someone you had not seen in years?
    Yes, thanks to FB I have found them as well, but the one I really wanted to find I found her without FB.

  2. Drew: Darn near an "I dare you to answer type question" I love it.

    1. Destiny

    2. No. Only I try to do things like that.


    4. Indeed I have.

  3. 1. Yep, definitely...more so these days.
    2. Yep and it always surprises me that folks remember me...
    3. I think of people from my past from time to time...but not with any great longing.
    4. old classmate...ended up meeting up in St. Louis for dinner and had a great time. It was like the years disappeared. Funny.

  4. 1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Yes
    4. Yes, an old co-worker that I found on Facebook. Glad I did too.

    As always Drew, you make us think. And, you make Fridays just a little more special. Thanks for that!

  5. 1. I believe in both. Things have a way of working out for the best if you let them run their course. We may not always know what is best in the end for us.
    2. Yes, just recently. Kind of freaked me out that they contacted me.
    3. I think it is natural to think of that first love you had or a very close friend you haven't seen for a long time.
    4. I've looked around online but have not contacted anyone.

    Drew... you have me worried! If this person wasn't good for you back when you knew them, or it ended badly, maybe you should think twice or three times before jumping into anything again.

  6. 1. I believe in omens..if I make all the stop/go lights green my day will be great. Stuff like that.
    2. Funny you should ask...I received in the last two days a call from Ken w. and the only one I know with that name was a teacher in high school. I didn't answer the phone.
    3. Yes I tried to 'look up' an old flame but was unsuccessful.
    4. No but working where I do I am meeting a lot of very old (not in age) friends.

  7. 1. Nope. Just the natural human tendency to look for patterns whether they exist or not.

    2. Definitely. Former students find me on a regular basis (and not always the ones I would expect to want to find me...those are the best surprises).

    3&4: Yes, and that is why I try to contact them!

  8. 1) Do you believe in fate and/or destiny?

    I'm always wrestling with metaphysical questions, always. It's a neurosis I torture myself with. Sometimes I swear that I am damned by fate, other times I'm not so sure. I do believe that we are born with a temperament, and that, in turn, is affected by our life experiences. To an extent, we are slaves to our pasts - what happens to you and what you do in response to it often colors subsequent events.

    2) Has anybody from your past contacted you out of the blue?

    Well, once a friend showed up unannounced at our apartment in Chicago, but I think that was more like a he was in town anyway sort of thing and he looked us up. I don't think I remember anyone specifically going out of their way to find me...

    3) Have you ever wondered what became of that certain person? It could be anybody.

    Yes. Don't we all?

    4) Have you ever tried to contact someone you had not seen in years?

    In AA, you're supposed to make amends with those you've harmed. As part of that process, I telephoned an old boss I hadn't worked for in decades. He didn't even remember me.

  9. 1) I'm not so sure, but recent events has gotten me thinking about it...

    2) Yes, just this week.

    3) I've always have wondered of what happened to people I've met in the past.

    4) Thought about it a few times...

    kk-the reason for this post is an ex-girlfriend, whom I have not seen in 25 years contacted me through FB this week. It kind of freaked me out. I'm still not sure to what to think of it.
